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Christian, Veteran, Retired Underground Coal Miner, Electrical Specialist, Entrepreneur.
Christian, Veteran, Retired Underground Coal Miner, Electrical Specialist, Entrepreneur.
@seriously There is no record of COVID existing either now, and this whole scam is ending. What we have is the flu being re-named covid 19 so the vaccine companies can make a lot of money and harm and kill a lot of people, which they have done. My hope is for the CDC to be shut down and lots of them arrested for Nuremberg 2.0. You cannot experiment on humans.
@seriously ~ When they have not proven covid 911 exists and have no 'real' test for it I'm not too surprised. The 'delta variant' is vaccine generated in the vaxxed and shed onto unvaxxed as a milder version.
@DiamondTNT @seriously Submit the same thing to your state DHHR. I did in West Virginia and got the same response.
They also directed me to ask the same of the FDA and CDC....same response!
Did you hear Donald Trump at Cullman AL?
I, as much as anyone wanted Trump to be the leader we thought he was intended to be.
I have had to check my bias and admit to myself that Donald J. Trump is as much of a traitor to our nation as any of the others.
He cannot say the things he has said and claim to be an upright, honest man.
God is the only place to put our trust and faith and we had better wake up to that FACT!
Do you mean specifically about the vaxx?
The thing I find difficult about him is the continual listing of all the things the Dems have done wrong.
I feel like saying,
“Yes…yes…we know already, but what can we DO?
And what could you do?”
That is the issue in the spotlight, but, think about what he had the power to act. He wrote the EO in 2018 about election integrity with stiff penalty. Did he act?...NO He had the power of the insurrection act. Did he act?....NO. It is now within his personal power to just admit that he was fooled and wrong about Covid. Has he stated that?...NO
Are all of us smarter than DJT? We know what's true and false, can he not find the truth?
I recently heard a statement that I want to share......"if you want to know a person's intent......look at the outcome"
Situation Update, August 18th, 2021 - HEALTH CARE COLLAPSE: Vaccine spike protein will unleash mass neurological damage that OVERWHELMS world's medical systems
I want to ask for a united stand among Christians.
On Sunday, August 15, at 12:00 noon, I would like everyone to go to God in prayer. We have faith that God answers prayer and there is strength where his children offer a united voice unto Him.
Pray this prayer,
O Lord our God, Father in Heaven
Be merciful to us, forgive us our sins
As Abraham besought you not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of the faithful, we ask you to spare our nation and the world for the elect's sake
Well actually Elohim did destroy Sodom & Gomorrah - but after the elect had left - hopefully there’s a much larger remnant of believers in America and The Lord will save our country but bring judgement on the wicked. Elohim I stand with WVBear and we petition You to display Your loving grace and infinite mercy on our wayward nation for Your glory !!!
Very True Watchman........God could not find even the very few that Abraham asked for in his plea to save the cities........but he did save the few faithful.
You mean WWF was make believe!
For money?
@Fenceman That is too funny!!!
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
A great verse with unlimited applications.....
1. If I take the jab.....I’m safe, right?
2. If I get a degree.....I’m qualified, right?
3. If I get baptized.....I’m clean, right?
4. If I’m good......I go to Heaven, right?
@Fenceman Simple Truth of God's word. Thank you!
I was just listening to Scott McKay and Mike Jaco this evening. Scott got into the religious order talk and stated that the satanic order had corrupted the Bible by "removing" and/or "adding" to the scriptures, signifying that the Bible was not complete. I want to proclaim that the Almighty God, The Creator of everything has the power to secure his Holy Word and keep it incorruptible so that we know his will toward all of us!
To state otherwise is completely FOOLISH!
I appreciate your response. If we stand on the word of God only, we cannot be wrong.
God's word is of no private interpretation and I absolutely admit that I do not know everything.
I have found that what I understand to be the truth today may be revealed to a higher level tomorrow.
I vow to always keep an open mind and study to show myself approved to God.
We are wonderfully made.......In the image of God.
I am 65 and studied the word of God since I was 16.

West Virginia is encouraging its younger residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine by offering them a $100 savings bond if they choose to get inoculated. @Jleimer Sounds fishy to me.. No Thank You
@auntcindyTOO @Jleimer Mass Sterilization.
I have been prone to skin cancer for some time and recently had biopsies that revealed some more problems. My doctor's office called to schedule my surgery, Dr. James Paine, Beckley WV, and told me I must submit to a Covid test before they would perform the surgery.
I denied the surgery........I will not conform to an oppressive system!
@WVBear Find a doctor who will do the surgery without the Covid test. He will probably be a better doctor anyway.
@WVBear Also contact America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) who can give you a referral and are anti-vax.
Situation Update, April 1st, 2021 - China creating "Planet of the Apes" hybrid army to CONQUER the world. And the FBI asked me to tell you to stop downloading "Covid-19 vaccination cards" in order to print them on your own printer and fill them out yourself, because they claim they might arrest you for doing so. Lol.
I remember during my childhood the war on drugs had a slogan...."JUST SAY NO"
The same slogan can apply today to all the stupid things going on in our Nation
I am more than good with the consequences of standing for the truth! I have no fear. I have but one Master to which I answer and he will protect me, if it be his will, or he will take me home. To be absent from the body means to be present with the Lord. While in this body, I will stand for the Truth!
@DiamondTNT If we cannot own firearms then no politician should be guarded or defended by anyone with a firearm!
@patriot1315 I remember mine. Semper fi.
We the People will also come to your defense.......just call.
Just saw some discussion of which Bible translation is the best.
KJV is tops. All aids such as Strong's Concordance and Webster's Original Dictionary relate to KJV.
Original Hebrew is quite accurate as scribes had to redo a page if mistake is made.
Westcott & Hort had best copy of original Greek with mistakes.
Best original Greek is by Ivan Panin who discovered GOD'S numeric signature in original languages. He used this discovery to verify correct Hebrew & Greek.
GOD wrote as no one or more can
@glenzgolfbc I also prefer the KJV. We must realize that every translation, no matter the context, loses something within the translation. I have used greek lexicons and hebrew dictionaries.
Consider the time (age) in which it was written and the intended meaning in that time period.
Just my thoughts.
God Bless
If you are on gab....found this thread this morning re: all lights out at WH last night. Anyone see any of this?

"Let's Get Kraken" on Gab: 'White House went completely black.' it says video not available when I tried to watch....
@theroadlesstravelled the link should bring you to the thread - click on comments...takes a bit to load. Several videos, people giving timestamps and screen shots. The live cam seems a bit on and off for some reason. Unusual.
@Buteo I’ll follow you on GAB, I’m enjoying their platform.
Not all of us have a group........possibly a few friends or family but not a formidable group.
Forming a group in today's society is difficult........we don't even know our neighbors.
@WVBear Very true. And if in a rural area, your friends/family may not actually be close to you.
That's true. I am not concerned about defending myself in a kinetic situation but against governing powers that you can't fight in a conventional way
America is now a banana republic run by thieves and pedophiles, deceivers and crooks. They are mad with power and seek vengeance against half of America. They are treacherous and filled with vile hatred toward fellow Americans. The Left has been radicalized with hatred by the left-wing media for the last four years, and now they want blood.
There is GOOD news tonight. Lots of good news. From what I'm being told, we can rest easy (or relatively so) about what's coming. It isn't the end of the republic. More details soon... Gosh, it really is an emotional rollercoaster...
This is a Bards FM broadcast and is worth hearing.
@WVBear FLASH NEWS Did the Amazon data building just blow up???????
I haven't heard anything about it.
So Juan O' Savin, one of these guys in many of the recent videos being circulated, NOW claims Biden will be sworn in after all. He had previously and repeatedly claimed Biden would never be sworn in. He appears frequently with Robert David Steele. His story keeps changing. He claims to be an insider with superior knowledge, but speaks in riddles and vague, rambling stories.
What do YOU think about Juan O' Savin and his changing story?