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How many treasonous, seditious, communist senators, governors, mayors, etc. are too many ?
@Watchmanonthewall 1 @johndolph
Boy Scouts …. I was proud to be one many years ago …. But of course the left has destroyed it, as they do everything.
Wonder if they’ll change the name to lgbtq scouts, fag scouts, queer scouts, pedo scouts - or maybe trans scouts ?
That’s what their new name stands for… Everything you just said! @Watchmanonthewall @johndolph
Spoken by one of the sleezyist, treasonous, dishonest, seditious, perverted traitors in history…..
#1. Half the voters are ignorant and/or indoctrinated sheeple - who are clueless, or “takers” who just want free stuff.
#2. People keep talking “biden” when the reality is the communists didn’t steal the 2020 election to then turn over the controls to someone they know is a bumbling fool - Joe is merely the pre chosen frontman while behind the curtain chairman “0” is enjoying his 3rd term destroying America ….
People should hang for what they’ve done, and are still doing, manufacturing the “virus” and forcing the kill shot “vaccine” -
causing death and suffering around the world …..
Won’t happen …. the communists will either assassinate Trump, put him in prison, or just steal another election…. they control all the levers of power so they will do as they please - wake up America !
…… and nothing will happen ….
How is it that virtually no one is talking about the most outrageous crime in American history - the FACT that the democrats stole the 2020 Presidential Election ?
They confirmed their power by stealing the 2022 mid term elections. They succeeded in corrupting virtually all government agencies, the courts, the military, and the media - they don’t even try to hide their demonic agenda anymore. Of course the cowardly, seditious rhinos did then, and do now, nothing to save our country.
The communists are surprised how easy it was, and is, to overthrow America - no real protests, no major confrontations or marches - piece of cake. We’ve become lazy, cowardly, soft, and weak nation full of compromise, letting demonic, perverse radicals beat us down into oblivion. I am embarrassed and apologize to all the soldiers who gave their lives defending our freedom that we’re now just giving away.
It’s always been a “numbers” game…..
Graduate enough commie educated young voters (we used to have property owners ONLY voting)…..and MOB appeal will carry the day,
AS prophesied, it’s simply predictable…..
We really should not wonder, or apologize (sorry as we feel)
@Watchmanonthewall- -Very well put.--Sad, so few Americans are aware of the dilemma we're in.--Many of us saw this coming many years ago... (Project Paper-Clip)<---<<- Is just ONE example of their long term strategy to destroy America..--Very few in congress, or senate, that are not cowards..
Won’t happen …. there’s no longer any consequences for lawlessness if committed by the communists …..
The demonic, racist, treasonous traitor in chief - who has done more destruction to America than all of the other enemies of the state combined - and he’s now serving his 3rd term from behind the curtain …..
Of course - “ birds of a feather flock together” - obviously the treasonous communists aren’t going to select an ethical, moral, qualified individual to head the CDC ….
“No one in power is doing anything about it” - because they’re either coconspirator participants, or shameless, sell out, cowardly weasels …..
That’s the point of it - destroy the infrastructure ….
Make that murderous demons
Imagine - a “pastor” supporting the murder of a child in the mothers womb - a merchant of satan - and calling it freedom - this will come at a great price.
Seemed like Hannity used to be fairly conservative - but when he told Trump to quit talking about the stolen 2020 election, it was time to tune him out ….
any fool dismissing the stolen election is a traitor …..
Ever since the cowardly, seditious scotus refused to honor their oaths of office and purpose as a check and balance, and not review the obviously stolen 2020 election, they are completely irrelevant and worthless.
These traitors don’t live in a vacuum - they know damn well that election was stolen, and their refusal to show courage and commitment to do their job is disgusting and was a kill shot to America. They should be stripped of their robes and prosecuted for dereliction of duty and treason…
sotamayor is a classic example of what happens when someone is appointed as a judge based on race and gender instead of qualifications and commitment to honoring the Constitution …..
The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree …. the whole family is beyond corrupt …..