A few things I learned while growing up
#1 It's right or it's wrong!
#2 A person that will lie to you will steal from you!!
#3 A person that cheats on his family is not to be trusted!
And as a general rule.
A smart monkey don't monkey with another monkey's monkey!!
When America get's attacked (and it will be) could it look like this? Because there will be no mercy for any American!!

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It might. War is ugly, video games have war and dying seem normal to two generations of kids. They have no idea that war looks like this.
The prophets of 700BC The Nation who is the daughter to the Isles, whose borders are by many waters and the whore of Babylon who sits in her Harbor. Well. The only Nation on earth known as The Isles is Britain. America is her daughter! Lady Liberty is Ischtar The goddess of fertility, Nimrods Mother. The Pope refers to Mother Mary as Ischtar. But to the Roman Catholic it's Mary. To the Pope Baby Jesus is Nimrod but to the Roman Catholic it's Jesus. You see why they want you to bow down to Mary? Lady Liberty(the whore of Babylon) Made the Nations drunk off her sorcery and magic, sexual lewdness, the rape and murder, satanic sacrifices. In one hr your destruction comes. In darkness you will sit. No more music will be heard from her. All the sea capt's will mourn and wail: they were made rich from her delicacies. ( Good thing all over the earth are citizens of heaven. ) Glory to God.