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On a quest to see how far the rabbit hole goes, but where it leads to and where i’ll end up, God only knows.
On a quest to see how far the rabbit hole goes, but where it leads to and where i’ll end up, God only knows.
Somebody should do a parody song called, "TAINTED BLOOD" about the vaccines, but based on the 1980s song, "Tainted Love."
Ripe for the pickin' ...
@HealthRanger ChatGPT can write that song for you in a few seconds.
@HealthRanger Was aluminum always used in shots??? If not, when was its usage started???
@HealthRanger @brandano0069 ChatGPT can also connect you will demons/fallen angels. Like a virtual Ouija Board for the internet age. I'm steering clear of this A.I. (Angel Intelligence).
Don't you find it interesting that the traitorous Biden regime won't stop a China spy balloon, won't protect the U.S. border and won't defend the rights of Americans, but is sending $110+ billion to defend and support Ukraine?
@HealthRanger yea and I'm getting ready to file my taxes and probably will owe up the ass due to forced donation to this theater.
@HealthRanger They had to do something to log-jam the headlines, otherwise more people might see the project veritas videos and learn that pharma companies are committing nazi-level crimes against humanity.
Could always call that Tax guy "Tyler Bennett" that comes on Alex's show, you have nothing to lose by calling and seeing if they can help.
The DEINDUSTRIALIZATION of Western Europe is accelerating at a frantic pace. You are watching the beginning of THE END of Western Europe as a pillar of civilization. No steel = No industry. Europe will collapse into a Third World existence...
World’s largest steel manufacturer to shutter plants in Germany amid catastrophic energy crisis

The world is not currently facing just any old energy crisis. This one is so massive that it is shutting down major industries like steel that function as a bedrock of industrialized society. Reiner… Very high-octane talks. Strongly recommended for all.
@HealthRanger @Arktos99 I heard the same from others….although we have heard dates before that pass with nothing significant happening….
FASCINATING interview: Ben Armstrong unloads master hypothesis naming AMERICA in the Book of Revelation and End Times destruction
- Bombshell analysis from Ben Armstrong:
- America is actually identified in the Book of Revelation, verses 17 and 18
- New York City is the merchant city that is destroyed in one hour - BABYLON
- The most likely means of destruction is Russia's Posiedon nuclear armed ocean drone
- The "spells" that destroy the world are actually pharmakia, or Big Pharma's vaccines
- The "blood" of the world's citizens is tainted by #vaccines leading to their "slaughter"
- The Tribulation has not yet begun, we are still in pre-trib times
- The rise of the Antichrist has yet to occur, and he will deceive the entire world
The MEDICAL war on children: Child predators using gender clinics to amputate children’s breasts at alarming rate across America

Child predators and transgender activists are infiltrating the internet, the education system and the medical system, brainwashing kids with perverse, self-destructive material that is designed to strip… Sick sick sick. This should be against the law until after the children are over 21 years old. You know the medical profession is done when they perpetuate the Covid 19 lies in order to profit financially over treating their patients appropriately and when these surgeries are allowed despite the permanent damage done to children. You can’t give a child a Tylenol for a headache in school without the parent being notified but you can permanently mutilate them. How repulsive.
@HealthRanger Unfortunately people are ok with this. I have 2 friends whose children named their grandchildren unisex names intentionally to avoid future issues. Can you imagine considering your child could be trangender when they are still in the uterus? Where in HELL did this come from? Yeah, exactly.
@HealthRanger in the last 10 minutes of the first hour of Friday’s War Room Owen Shroyer interviewed a young woman who had gender reassignment surgery before she was really sure of it. She was basically talked into it by her team of doctors. This was a heartbreaking beautifully done interview. The young woman was so articulate and sincere and really gave a picture of how this is shattering people’s lives permanently. Anyone who hasn’t seen it should find it and watch it.
New podcast (16 min) All signs of Nord Stream pipeline destruction point to the US Navy
@HealthRanger This act would make it easier for Russia to win!
@HealthRanger - and it also gives them another MASSIVE excuse to call a 'Climate Emergency', with all that methane bubbling up into the atmosphere and get to blame Putin into the bargain
@HealthRanger Monkey 10:37 - 17:55 US Military Aircraft Movements in the Area
Many breaking events taking place. Just recorded an emergency Situation Update podcast update, to be posted late Saturday morning USA time. Title = "Rumors of massive troop movements + Russia's doomsday nuclear weapons"
Features an interview with Michael Yon, plus analysis of Russia's "Skyfall" and "Poseidon" nuclear doomsday weapon systems.
We are on the verge of annihilation, and western nations are run by psychopaths and lunatics. God help us all...
Podcast will appear on my channel page on Brighteon: is a leading online free platform that empowers free speech, allowing individuals to freely share videos and express their thoughts without any form of censorship. Join us today and be part… Thank you Mike! I've been praying for you and taking seriously the information that you share, even using it to keep my flock informed. May God richly bless you! AND, I am loving reading my Founders' Bible that you recommended
@HealthRanger I remember Klaus Schwab saying there would be a cyber attack that would make the Covid pandemic look insignificant. I personally don’t think an EMP is likely because of all the money and infrastructure that was put into place for the 5G control grid. The technological control and surveillance systems are part of their plan; and a cyber attack would cause mayhem without the loss of the technological infrastructure.
@HealthRanger This is biblical. America provoked the "bear." I've posted this vid before, but it's still interesting to see how the "elite" plan to survive this. According to Steve Quayle, Russia has pinpointed Denver (due to it's International airport/reported underground cities), NYC, and DC as prime targets.
Welcome to 9/11. Building 7 was controlled demolition.
@HealthRanger More loss of freedom with each and every emergency.
@HealthRanger @arjayem Right. The Twin Towers were the equivalent of 2 large metal cheese graters. And a steel center core as well. The planes were the equivalent of jamming a pencil into one of the holes of a cheese grater. Yet, all that outer wall steel ended up neatly broken in sections into a pile of rubble.
Situation Update, Aug 9, 2022 - Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump's America
- #DOJ and #FBI have become lawless terror cells waging a war against Trump and America.
- Calls for #nullification and #secession are growing louder as free states reject the insanity.
- Corrupt Biden sends another $4.5 BILLION to fund Ukraine's entire government!
- Amnesty International confirms #Ukraine is using innocent civilians as HUMAN SHIELDS
- New announcement in cold fusion confirms excess heat / energy production.
- #Taiwan is being mass murdered by #BigPharma thanks to #vaccine obedience
- 75,000 Brits pledge to stop paying their electric bills due to rising costs
- US Treasury bans Tornado Cash crypto mixing service to stop "laundering" - laughable!
Judge who issued Trump raid warrant is linked to Jeffrey Epstein

The Florida federal magistrate judge who signed off on a search warrant authorizing the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort left the local US Attorney’s office more … @Msdelarosh @DeplorableCowgirl @section31 @guloguloguy @Independent
Adams you say u guess there might be a Red Sweep if elections allowed. They were allowed in 2020 and there was a Red Sweep in 2020: Trump won by 100,000,000 votes and Red congressmen women elected , but none of them counted as winning.
If Dominion Software amd Canada’s Smartmatic still in all 50 states counting. Votes as they are now, then there will not be again another Red Sweep along with the drop boxes Zuckerberg Stacy Abrams machine (20000 Mules) allowed and same day voting and no ID REQUIRES THEN AGAIN OUR red Sweep will be stolen.
This is the only form of "disarmament" that I 100% support.
When the bad guys come to rob your store, SHOOT THEIR ARMS OFF.
And then tell the bad guy you just shot, "Sure hope you can bear and keep your arms!"

"Stay out of Norco, because everybody in Norco has a gun."
Revolver News@HealthRanger this was great. Did you see his buddy getting out of car with the rifle? These cowards always travel in groups.
@HealthRanger they can’t handle someone who fights back~ I know it will Escalate things when times get harder though
Situational Awareness, when you see a vehicle Back in & a guy get out with gun you say, "Here's mine.".........right out the front door, AND on the Security monitor, same one that shows them leaving.....
Saw this in a meme: You are being told to lower your air conditioning on hot days to avoid overwhelming the existing electrical system while also being told to trade in your combustion engine car for an electric car... which uses HUGE amounts of power from the electrical grid.
Wouldn't this only increase the risk of power grid failures?
Does anybody realize the current power grid in America doesn't have the capacity to handle millions of electric cars and trucks?
@HealthRanger They sure are oxymoronic... To the Core!
@HealthRanger If they were really worried about going green, then they would be pushing for hybrid vehicles which are not reliant on the power grid while also being more fuel efficient.
@HealthRanger @brandan0069 that was my thoughts years ago. A slow transition would work while infrastructure is upgraded. They just want another reason to tax us all
#Libtards are stupid. And evil. They still can't understand this simple graphic:
@HealthRanger As a former Fetus, I approve of this message.
@HealthRanger @brandano0069 Hahaha - yup and all these fucktards are former fetuses too - I guess they truly believe they didn’t exist until they exited the womb on their own power.
@HealthRanger Mike’s point a few weeks back that a fetus has a whole different set of chromosomes in addition to the mother’s is exactly the inarguable truth! This makes the fetus a whole other person! But we can’t think that - it would be like getting on a plane and remembering that some planes DO CRASH!
Situation Update, June 23, 2022 - Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war SABOTAGE to shape the battlefield for domestic WARFARE
- The Biden regime is preparing for CIVIL WAR / secession
- Roe vs. Wade decision will be trigger event to ignite violence on the Left
- America will undergo a "domestic divorce" separating the left-wing DEATH CULT from the pro-America Christians
- Sabotage takedowns of food and energy infrastructure are "shaping the battlefield"
The Elites have to stack the deck before they deal the cards to you.
They might just as well use a normal coin, doesnt even have to be silver, then give you one rule: Heads They Win, Tails YOU LOSE.
We can NOT continue to believe their BIG LIE that WE NEED THEM. We are far better off WITHOUT THEM.
Study: At least 400,000 people in America have died from covid “vaccines”
- The real number is over 800,000 now... headed to ONE MILLION DEAD

Columbia University researchers have found that the true death count from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination" is substantially higher than the official figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease… what's w the PCR tests? Remember few months ago when Fauci quietly announced they' would phase out PCR end of yr bc it could not differentiate btwn flu and covid!! This omicron asymptomatic stuff is BS
“it’s beginning to look a lot like….Genocide”
@HealthRanger It's a shame many intelligent people with learned skills, education and accomplishments can't figure out you don't put unknown toxins in your bloodstream that can damage your body for the rest of your life or kill you!!! AND the big pharma companies have total liability protection against lawsuits!
How STUPID and brainwashed can you be to do that to yourself and your children?
It is an an evil spirit that is affecting otherwise normal people is the only way I can explain it.
Podcast: Huge WATER discovery proves there's LIFE on Mars.. and of course they've KNOWN THIS for a long, long time!
@HealthRanger, I wonder how much more that we don't know about Mars? They are probably living there already and not letting us see that they are staying healthy and untouched by all the poison they are raining down on us.
@HealthRanger that information makes earth a little less special
@HealthRanger I believe that any planet, as long as it's in the "habitable zone" of it's parent (sun star/red dwarf), has a good chance of having 1) a rocky surface. 2) maintaining water (whether beneath surface or flowing on the surface).
I still think Earth is the planet God chose to populate with humankind and animal species. I truly don't believe there are advanced lifeforms outside of earth (except for demons/angelic beings). I don't count microscopic life forms as unique to only earth.
Check out this latest authoritarian insanity: Lunacy: Left-wing doctor says government should “go after” “anti-science” independent media for reporting truth about COVID vax dangers

A left-wing pediatrician and professor who serves as a medical "expert" for CNN has openly called on the federal government to completely torch the First Amendment and "go after" any right-leaning or independent…
That guy is a nut-job from way back. He and the little "economist" that wants to blow-dart-vax all blacks would make such a cute couple!
@HealthRanger Greg Hunter interviews Karen Kingston about what’s really in the Jab. She would be great guest to have on Brighteon Conversations.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with pharmaceutical and medical device analyst Karen Kingston. (9.18.21) To Donate to Click Here:
somebody please send the lefty quacker this:

After COVID-19 emerged on U.S shores, providers began reviewing the emerging basic science, translational, and clinical data to identify potentially effective treatment options. In addition, a multitude…
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govFLASHBACK: Here's Dr. Leana Wen, the horrifying CNN "doctor" who demands covid vaccine tyranny, back during the BOSTON BOMBING (yes, that one), obviously dishing out a REHEARSED crisis script with CNN.
If you ever had any question that elements of the Boston Bombing were faked, now you know for sure. It's even BAD acting!

“"We had no idea what was coming." — Leana Wen's covid audition, displaying all her acting skills, right after the Boston Bombing, "in location" & in exclusive for her future employer.”
Twitter@HealthRanger We made you an offer you couldn’t refuse. Apparently the carrot wasn’t enough so now you get the stick.
And this really could happen in the future. But it's not happening now!! Real doctors say a virus is not contagious but a dead cell( Dr. Thomas Cohan. But just the same here we are passing out poison vaxxes for a virus never proven to exist. But it doesn't have to exist. People's fear will keep it alive. I only fear those people for they are the ones that will bring us all down!!!
MUST SEE! Cupping technique pulls blood out of the after after a vaccine.... it GELS UP like gelatin! The clotting is unbelievable! This is what's killing everybody!
@HealthRanger This reminds me of watching what happens when snake venom is added to human blood and it instantly coagulates.
And yet that continue top be vaccinated. PROVEN: Stupidity can NEVER be fixed--NEVER !
Heads up: The White House just added MEASLES to the list of infections that can be used to medically kidnap you and take you to a quarantine death camp.
Suddenly measles is their new weapon to target their political enemies for death camps. Wow.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 264(b) of title 42, United As Americans sit by and let their freedoms go by the wind while not speaking out. It’s time to stop using the excuse of false flags. If we don’t we will be totally enslaved.
@HealthRanger The Herpes viruses are likely next. You shouldn’t be surprised either when they gradually reduce the number of employees required in a business to be mandating the Jab. Right now It’s any businesses with 100 or more employees, next month it will be 50, and so on and so forth until it’s everyone. Give me liberty or give me death
Find your moral compass and let Jesus be your destination.
@brandano0069 - - Here’s what’s concretely in the scriptures and virtually unknown among professing Christians. Jesus recognizes and acknowledges the Father as His God, now in heaven. Please see John 20:17, Rev. 3:12, 1 Pet. 1:3, etc.
“Blessed be **the God** and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, . . . .” - Eph. 1:3
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
KJV 1 John 2:23
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
KJV John 14:6