"It isn't the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it's the troubles that create the rebels."
Ok I just had a thought about Covid-19 and the vaccines. Maybe the purpose of the virus was to make sure that everyone who got the virus got the same effect as the vaccine because they knew not everyone would get the vaccine. Hence unvaccinated people getting the same inflammatory reactions and clots as the vaccinated. Maybe the virus was the vaccine. Think about all the stories we’ve read about unvaccinated people getting blood clots. I have an unvaccinated family member that has been dealing with thyroid issues and had to have part of their thyroid removed. I am unvaccinated and struggle with all kinds of weird inflammation issues and hormonal issues. My other unvaccinated family members are also struggling with inflammatory issues. I don’t want to think this way, but I have seen the evidence. I am going to begin detoxifying my body as if I was vaccinated and see what happens. Everything I have read says Nattokinese is very effective in the detoxification of the body. Please forgive me if I’m stating something already discussed as I am still learning about all this. I pray we all find healing and answers. God bless everyone!
@Rcastellanos Another important point to how this stuff is getting inside unvaccinated people is not only through shedding from the jabbed to the unjabbed, but also through geoengineering. The toxic chemicals being found in what they are spraying in our skies (made of aluminum, barium, strontium and many other toxic elements) is getting into our rainfall and snowfall which ends up in the soil. So we are literally breathing it, eating it and drinking it in our water. Here is a screenshot I took after listening, I think, to Dane Wigington on geoengineeringwatch.org of all of the things they found in the aerosol particulate matter.