"It isn't the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it's the troubles that create the rebels."
Will ANY Trump take the Time to Research the Lipid Nanoparticles USED to get mRNA into human cells and Realize THEY are KILLERS and STOP THE Depopulation of Americans???
Pfizer’s LNP (Dirty Bombs) for Research use Only & NOT for Human use, Scientists KNEW in 2019 pre Operation Warp Speed, ALL the Toxicity, Inflammation & Harms they WOULD Cause! Too much to List- READ for Yourself
Two of the References (K.H. Moss & P. Popova) that were used in Deciding to USE Echelon Biosciences Inc. KILLER LNP (Liquid Nanoparticles) in Pfizer BNT162b2 Vaccines/Bioweapons, KNEW 100% of the HARM they do to Humans & talked about it in a 2019 Article (Lipid Nanoparticles for Delivery of Therapeutic RNA
Attaching the Echelon Biosciences pdf in comment (read highlight- Product is for Research use ONLY and NOT for Human Use, then see Reference 2 for the names stated above in the 2019 article
@RedWill It doesn't really matter even if they do do something. It is already in everyone, and it continues to replicate!
And I don't think Trump is going to do anything because it would mean that he would have to admit that the whole agenda was to get this nanotechnology in everyone so that we can be hooked to the cloud for total surveillance and control. And is he going to be willing to go against his tech-bros who he has purposefully put into his cabinet to further AI??
I don't see it happening.
And they need to stop the chemtrails and geoengineering first and foremost because that is where most of this technology is coming from. We, and our environment don't stand a chance as long as that continues. But, have they acknowledged that at all??
@RedWill Well, that is good news that RFK is acknowledging it. Thank God for that. Let's just hope that he follows through.
And I have to tell you, It doesn't matter whether you got the jab or not. I didn't get it either, or any flu shots. But, many doctors and researchers who are actually looking at people's blood are saying that everyone's blood has this technology in it. Dr. Mihalcea, who has a clinic and treats people every day has looked at thousands of unvaccinated blood, and she is saying that she is seeing it in everyone. Others who are looking are also saying the same thing.
The jabs shed from the jabbed to the unjabbed. And the technology is in our skies, and in our rain water and snow fall and in our soil and now in our food and water. Take a look at the analysis of what they found within the aerosol injections being spewed in our skies. I took a screen shot of it I think from a video from geoengineeringwatch.org. Dane Wigington and his people are the ones looking at and measuring this stuff.
The only way to know for sure if your blood is clean is to look at it under the microscope.