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Revelation Ch. 13: “Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” Rick Wiles suggests that the “Beast” which arises out of the sea, which is given great authority to terrorize Earth, is Zionism. Ultimately, God destroys the beast and ends its wickedness. How does he do it? He unleashes a singular event described simultaneously in the Sixth Trumpet (6), the Sixth Bowl (6) and the Sixth Seal (6), all of which detail the exact same 666 impact event where a giant comet detonates upon impact with Israel, destroying the wicked nation and drying up the entire Euphrates River as detailed in Revelation. This is the same impact described in Matthew Ch 24 and Ezekiel Ch 38, in which Israel is obliterated along with Gog and other armies and nations of the Middle East. This video shows what such an event would look like if it struck Rome instead of Israel: – it would shake every mountain and island and flatten every wall on Earth, just as mentioned in the Bible.
Got news for ya. The #Google AI anti-white "glitch" isn't a glitch. It's part of a "history reset" program that's getting ready to "whitewash" whites out of history just as replacements of color are overrunning the USA and all of Western Europe. This is a large-scale Orwellian program to ERASE the entire memory of white people from cultural consciousness. The history books will be rewritten. The photos will be altered (just as Google AI is doing right now). The truth will be labeled "misinformation," and those who oppose the anti-white ethnic cleansing campaign now taking place will be called "white supremacists" and JAILED as is already happening in Europe. I cover all the details of this nefarious, anti-human plan in today's thought-provoking, uncensored podcast: WAY BEYOND WOKE: Google is preparing to RESET HISTORY and scrub any cultural memory of white people
It's not just Google AI erasing White people, it's an entire campaign to eliminate white culture, erase white history and exterminate and replace whites across Europe and North America, replacing them all with "people of color" who enter as illegals, as the replacement crew to take over your nation. Whites are written out of leading roles in movies and television, or depicted as bumbling, incapable idiots. This is a "white purge" of the past, present and future. Pure orwellian. I cover it in more detail today:
Brighteon Broadcast News, Feb 22, 2024 - WAKE UP! They FAKED history to MANIPULATE your reality and keep you blind to their real agenda
- Learning Arabic and cultural niceties. (0:00)
- Language crossover and Google's AI manipulation of historical records. (2:38)
- Fake history and political manipulation. (14:45)
- Political manipulation and false flag events. (31:01)
- NASA's moon landing footage and alteration of history. (40:47)
- Moon landing conspiracy theories and questioning government honesty. (45:13)
- Preparedness gear, body armor, and political issues. (57:03)
- Government corruption and abuse of power. (1:03:43)
- Economic and national security policies. (1:11:35)
- Political corruption and #globalism. (1:25:49)
- Addressing drug trafficking and cartels in the US. (1:36:10)
- Threats to US #freedom and #liberty. (1:50:11)
I interviewed former DIA intelligence analyst Major Jeffrey Prather today. He confirmed that #Israel ALLOWED #Hamas to succeed in its attack on Oct. 7th. The IDF was given a stand-down order. Netanyahu approved the incursion and allowed it to happen to unleash Israeli RAGE that would justify Israel's "final solution" against Palestinians and the Gaza Strip, which Israel plans to decimate and then claim for itself. Total #falseflag operation. This interview airs Sunday on Brighteon. Will post a link here when it's up.
Those cheerleading for WAR are the real anti-Semites because their actions will result in the annihilation of #Israel. If you care about Israel and the Jewish people, join me in calling for PEACE and diplomacy. See this announcement from Jewish Voice For Peace:

Israel is escalating its violence against Palestinians.
www.jewishvoiceforpeace.orgUS State Dept. issues worldwide TRAVEL ALERT for all US citizens after the #USA backs Israel's war crimes against Palestinian civilians -

@HealthRanger @HebrewKaren Actually the middle east is part of Africa... in biblical times and prior to the building of the Suez canal... it was considered northeast Africa.
Also, many don't know that the UN (after WW2) originally wanted to relocate the Ashkenazi Jews to Uganda (east Africa). Which is more lush, green and beautiful mountainous land, and what some say is the true biblical Israel (based on ancient maps).
You have to wonder why the United Nations selected Uganda first (before Palestine). Maybe they knew it too. Really the area of encompassing Uganda, Kenya, (some of Ethiopia) and Tanzania (are said to be true Israel).
US State Dept. issues worldwide TRAVEL ALERT for all US citizens after the #USA backs Israel's war crimes against Palestinian civilians -

@HealthRanger @HebrewKaren Actually the middle east is part of Africa... in biblical times and prior to the building of the Suez canal... it was considered northeast Africa.
Also, many don't know that the UN (after WW2) originally wanted to relocate the Ashkenazi Jews to Uganda (east Africa). Which is more lush, green and beautiful mountainous land, and what some say is the true biblical Israel (based on ancient maps).
You have to wonder why the United Nations selected Uganda first (before Palestine). Maybe they knew it too. Really the area of encompassing Uganda, Kenya, (some of Ethiopia) and Tanzania (are said to be true Israel).
Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 19, 2023 - New video evidence points to Israeli AIR BURST bomb striking al-Ahli hospital grounds
- Conservative media publishers across the USA push Israeli government talking points
- The bombing of the al-Ahli hospital used an AIR BURST bomb
- The air burst did not destroy hospital buildings, but killed hundreds of people
- The people were sleeping in the courtyard, outside the buildings, adjacent to the parking lot
- Vehicle roofs and hoods were crushed FROM ABOVE, proving air burst (not ground burst)
- #Israel bombed the streets near another hospital within 24 hours
- Official UN report says Israel has bombed hospitals 51 times since Oct. 7th, killing 15 healthcare workers
- Israel routinely LIES about committing atrocities
- Israel wanted to blame Jihadis to further justify #genocide and THEFT of Gaza land
Ah, now here's a piece that may provide more understanding. From AlJazeera, "Three thousand people who survived missile attacks in other parts of Gaza had come to take refuge at al-Ahli, where they slept in the garden courtyard and in the upper floors of the hospital building." So people were SLEEPING IN THE COURTYARD, right next to the parking lot. I can certainly see that those people could have been killed by such a blast in the parking lot, even if that blast didn't bring down the buildings. I wasn't aware that people were sleeping in the courtyard.

Attack happened as hospital was overwhelmed with thousands of Palestinians seeking shelter from Israeli attacks.
www.aljazeera.comActual criticism directed at me today: "You are a bad person because you don't support killing people." This is where we are in 2023, where those who call for #peace are derided as "extremists."
Brighteon Broadcast News, May 9, 2023 - Robert Kennedy's vision for HEALING a fractured America
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discuss border security, election integrity, voter ID and more
- Covers the investigation and PROSECUTION of covid officials who committed fraud
- RFK achieves stunning CROSSOVER support from Republicans and conservatives
- Adams invites Trump team for an interview
- Mass homelessness in California getting WORSE as Biden's economy crumbles
- Spike protein damages the BRAIN, explaining why vax booster proponents are so dumbed down
- California black groups demand $200 million in reparations payments to EACH black person
- Colorado bureaucrat wants to confiscate money from WHITE-owned businesses to subsidize BLACK businesses
- Interview with Paul Wittenberger, filmmaker and producer of "Fluoride - Poison on Tap" documentary
Why reparations for slavery are a horrible idea: (podcast) - REPARATIONS seek to punish the LIVING for the deeds of DEAD ancestors
The drug being readied for the avian flu plandemic causes side effects that include BELIEVING false narratives, making it perfect for social control

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield recently warned that gain-of-function research and bioterrorism will inevitably bring about a future avian flu pandemic. The US government is already mapping out a suspicious…
www.naturalnews.comGetting major intel about the coming avian flu chimeric pandemic. Will be covering in tomorrow's podcast and also posting here this evening once an additional source gets back to me. This could be huge, and also a bit terrifying. Globalists are absolutely going to roll out a chimeric avian flu plandemic, looks like... more confirmations incoming... stay tuned.
Here's how this is going to play out (writing this on March 15th, 2023). Credit Suisse will collapse. Huge cross-exposure to US banks will cause a ripple of banking crisis events across BIG US banks. Wells Fargo is on the list. Fed and Treasury will declare appropriate emergencies and bail out all the banks in the US. This will require printing TRILLIONS of dollars, flooding the system with massive liquidity.
Within about six months, #inflation will absolutely skyrocket as all the new money surges through the system like a shot of heroin. Inflation will cause Fed to panic and raise rates even higher. MORE banks will fail. MORE bailout money printed. MORE inflation.
It ends in hyperinflation over the next few years, and the total collapse of the dollar, the US banking system and the United States government. Prepare accordingly.
Just spoke to the president of Treasure Island Coins & Precious Metals (our sponsor for physical metals). THEIR PHONE WON'T STOP RINGING. Non-stop customers wanting to take physical delivery.
The triple bank collapse that just happened is red-pilling all sorts of people who are finally coming to realize how fragile the banking system is.
I imagine most of you reading this are already squared away on gold and silver, but if you're not, you can reach these folks via their online request form at:
(Note - I earn nothing on these sales. This company sponsors my podcast with a flat fee, no percentages whatsoever.)
As we watch the bank collapse spread, I keep wondering how the Fed and Govt. are going to use this to force people into CBDCs, where all your money is controlled by the feds.
Now that plan is emerging, right on cue: A new "backstop" plan to make depositors "whole" by issuing them some form of government money. How much you wanna bet this is going to be a CBDC type system to "rescue" depositors?

Financial regulators are discussing two different facilities to manage the fallout from the closure of Silicon Valley Bank.
www.cnbc.comI just completed a late night emergency interview with John Perez about the double bank collapse that just happened. I'm calling this the "Margin Call Special Edition" interview.
I'm trying to get my editors to work early morning so they can get this posted mid-day Sunday (USA time). Hopefully this will go live Sunday. It's a huge interview in terms of content. Very hard-hitting as usual with Perez. Watch for it here: is a leading online free platform that empowers free speech, allowing individuals to freely share videos and express their thoughts without any form of censorship. Join us today and be part…
www.brighteon.comSomebody should do a parody song called, "TAINTED BLOOD" about the vaccines, but based on the 1980s song, "Tainted Love."
Ripe for the pickin' ...