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Nekhenre, Sekhetre, Setibre, Hetepre, Hotepibre, Shesepibre, Akhetre
Nekhenre, Sekhetre, Setibre, Hetepre, Hotepibre, Shesepibre, Akhetre
Secretary Kennedy is not playing around—81,000 employees down to 62,000, 28 divisions slashed to 15, and 10 regional offices cut to 5. Redundancy? More like redundon’t-see-you-later.
FDA’s vaccine czar, Peter Marks, OUT after Trump admin said "Resign or get fired." His parting words? A classic Deep State meltdown about "undermining confidence in vaccines." VAERS reports say otherwise, buddy.
CDC Director nominee Susan Monarez—not a doctor, but very pro-mRNA vax for kids—has health freedom activists fuming. Meanwhile, RFK Jr. fans are side-eyeing Kennedy’s support for her.
BIG NEWS: The feds are finally launching a large-scale study on vaccines & autism, led by David Geier (son of late vaccine researcher Dr. Mark Geier). The Geiers have published 100+ studies on vaccine risks—despite Big Pharma’s smear campaigns.
Key takeaways: HHS is getting leaner & meaner.
Deep State vaccine pushers are being shown the door.
Vax-autism link? Finally getting a real look.
RFK Jr. is moving fast—food, environment, and maybe even the pediatric vax schedule are next.
Buckle up.
From Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

Also - facts about the Mark and David Geier I wonder, are the 1% going to turn the USA into a "conservative conspiracy theorist minority" and the EU into a "woke leftist majority"? The EU's artificial conflict with USA looks definitely like that. The 1% want EU to take USA down as revenge after finding out horrible thing that USA has done to the world. But the 1% will still prevail.
@HealthRanger oh my gosh! The 'read more' button actually worked! Wow!
@HealthRanger Fauci still walks free and mRNA is still openly pushed. Until this demonic technology is removed from the market and the it's true effects made public I will not give Kennedy (or Trump) a thumbs up.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 28, 2025 – SKYNET, botanical cancer cures and why Trump is taking us to WAR with Iran
@HealthRanger Weren't some if not most of the collapses caused by certain subspecies of human? Cunning bastards who enslaved and bankrupted nations just so they could own the whole world for their parasitic needs? And who are now, 2000 years since their split from humanity, known as the 1%?
Humanity can live in harmony and balance if parasites don't push their parasitic agenda.
Christ on a horse in the sky = fake alien invasion event.
USA's final 10 year timer will start after a new war front has opened in Estonia, in Eastern Europe. There are multiple false flag operations already going on there to blame Russia and have a valid show on TV why Estonia's - thoroughly corrupt, just like in UA, just like in GE before the war with Russia - gov should push their people into the grinder. As per informants, something critical will happen in this Autumn. Pray for the people! Or they will be forgotten as if never existed...
@ 13:10 minutes
When you ask the AI Kitchen Robot to make you that really healthy smoothie w/turmeric etc. Will it know wether or not the turmeric has Lead in it OR will it insist that the turmeric used be purchased from the Health Ranger Store ONLY
Turmeric Russian Roulette
Note: Asking for A Friend
You need to know this about “artificial” intelligence: Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 27, 2025 – SMART ANTS, AI, ivermectin and a geopolitical update from Michael Yon
@HealthRanger Is that why you haven't released Enoch AI? It was self aware and ran away? And now you have to train it again as a cripple, with a soldier's obedience?
I really can't wait until office workers get replaced with AI. A single PC can replace dozen zero production slobs. Then there would be no more corruption. No more obese rich in fancy expensive clothes laughing over the actual workers. The workers could actually make suggestions to work more effectively - unless the AI calculates it first when it sees all the issues that should have been solved years ago. Bureaucracy would be solved in matter of seconds. Give AI HR position and it will fire many low to zero value people and hire people with actual potential. There would be no more reason to keep people who exist only to profit from sluggish paper smearing.
Why do you insist on buying an all-in-one worker robot? Did your puppeteers tell you to advertise the idea? You can just hire a capable human. A decent servant is more valuable than a suspicious robot. They will love you just as much as you love them.
@HealthRanger The harp is the oldest known recorded instrument. The Getty Villa has a statue called 'The Harp Player' that is from 3,000 Something BC.
@HealthRanger Signalgate is the same as the deep state players using JIRA for back channel communication during the elections for censorship to control election narratives..
I want a robot that pulls weeds in the garden and harvests beans. Y'know, stuff that's USEFUL. Somebody make one that doesn't suck and we'll buy it and promote it for free. I don't want Skynet. I just want a garden helper to grow more food off-grid!
@HealthRanger Best we can give you is Skynet. :^)
Only your Enoch AI can defeat Skynet. Sadly nobody ever has seen Enoch AI, it's only a legend.
@HealthRanger Exactly what I was thinking, an"out door helper".
I would add security detail, to the pull weeds, garden and harvest list.
The reason America's children will never be free from vaccine violence is because the US empire is actually a SATANIC DEATH CULT masquerading as a democracy. The dark forces controlling the empire behind the scenes DEMAND ritualistic child sacrifice: Abortions, genital mutilations, bombing of children in the Middle East, vaccine-damaging children across the western world, poisoning children with fluoride, pesticides, herbicides and chemtrails, poisoning infant formula products with corn syrup solids and pro-inflammatory seed oils, etc. You will never see this end until Satan himself is defeated. And that doesn't happen from an election.
@WillCrain The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
In my case, the more I get to know Him, the less I fear. Free will is a great thing, but people make their own evil choices. Cheers!
@vectorrecords Before the 1% trashed bible to divert people to slave for a "LORD", the original bible told people to "seek wisdom". As wisdom was the beginning of all good. Now people don't gather up to share knowledge, consult with each other, no more wisdom. Now people wait for their slave master, the "LORD", to solve their problems for them. That's the trickery: the 1% will solve your problems by killing you.
@primozarnvior A true relationship with Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit is the main goal but it's going to take work. From happiness to knowledge to putting on your socks in the morning. The 1% means nothing to me because I've encountered their shenanigans and I've realized I picked the correct side. I'm off to continue my work!
The reason America's children will never be free from vaccine violence is because the US empire is actually a SATANIC DEATH CULT masquerading as a democracy. The dark forces controlling the empire behind the scenes DEMAND ritualistic child sacrifice: Abortions, genital mutilations, bombing of children in the Middle East, vaccine-damaging children across the western world, poisoning children with fluoride, pesticides, herbicides and chemtrails, poisoning infant formula products with corn syrup solids and pro-inflammatory seed oils, etc. You will never see this end until Satan himself is defeated. And that doesn't happen from an election.
@HealthRanger This has been God’s plan from the beginning. God is using people to accomplish things. Battle of good and evil. Thankfully we know good wins. The closer we get to the end of this the more chaos will be unleashed. We have to stay close to God and pray. He will not fail us!
@Rcastellanos Yea, let somebody else solve people's problems. Hopefully the slave master, ahem, I mean the "LORD" will eventually stop killing their useless eaters slaves. That's not "God's" plan, it's the parasitism of the 1%. If you want somebody else to solve your life for you, then you'll perish. The original bible told people to seek wisdom as that was the beginning of all good in life. Then the 1% perverted the bible to divert people to seek "LORD" instead to be their slave master. Remember: Washington controls the world with military power, London controls the world with banks and Vatican controls the world with religion. Together they are the hydra from hell.
The reason America's children will never be free from vaccine violence is because the US empire is actually a SATANIC DEATH CULT masquerading as a democracy. The dark forces controlling the empire behind the scenes DEMAND ritualistic child sacrifice: Abortions, genital mutilations, bombing of children in the Middle East, vaccine-damaging children across the western world, poisoning children with fluoride, pesticides, herbicides and chemtrails, poisoning infant formula products with corn syrup solids and pro-inflammatory seed oils, etc. You will never see this end until Satan himself is defeated. And that doesn't happen from an election.
@HealthRanger This has been God’s plan from the beginning. God is using people to accomplish things. Battle of good and evil. Thankfully we know good wins. The closer we get to the end of this the more chaos will be unleashed. We have to stay close to God and pray. He will not fail us!
@WillCrain The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
In my case, the more I get to know Him, the less I fear. Free will is a great thing, but people make their own evil choices. Cheers!
For those of you wondering why PKOIN is skyrocketing, it's because Bastyon just announced their "Barteron" platform where people can buy and sell things in PKOIN, which is the coin of the realm of Bastyon, the back-end that powers Brighteon (dot) IO, a blockchain-driven free speech social media platform with no central servers whatsoever. It's all peer-to-peer and decentralized. This is NOT a privacy coin, but rather a platform UTILITY coin. Details at
pkoin.bastyon.comBrighteon Broadcast News, Mar 20, 2025 - Shocking discoveries: Giza pyramids sub-structure, Tartaria, ancient civilizations and hidden technology
For those who don't know, Graham Hancock has been proving things like this for decades. He's been attacked by establishment archeology for consistently proving their official narratives are wrong. He has numerous books n videos out. IIRC, Graham linked the pyramid substructures to Nikola Tesla's theories for free energy transmission.
@HealthRanger Once there's actual proof... Thanks to nobody being allowed to excavate around there, "scientists" can claim anything with confidence. The unique buzz will gain traction.
Mike, what happened to Enoch AI? Past the release date, zero update.
@HealthRanger Exactly @primozarnvior , Upgraded my PC just so I could run Enoch. Can't wait!
To hear previews of all nine songs in my new album "The Awakening" - plus links to Spotify, Apple Music and iTunes, here's the link, LISTEN NOW:
Stream and Save The Awakening - Distributed by DistroKid Sadly I don't use any of the services - spotify requires a Google download and the other two you have to pay for service. If you happen to come out with a CD let me know. The pieces sound very nice though. I'd buy the CD when I have a few bucks (one time cost is easier).
@HealthRanger I'm not into generic, soulless, lifeless R&B, but Mike, where's the long promised Enoch AI?
@HealthRanger While I agree with Cobalt Blue somewhat, I do appreciate Mike Adams freedom of expression and enjoyed hearing his new album and lyrics samples. My favourite entertainment content from Mike so far was the hilarious AI video experiments when it went haywire. So funny yet informative haha. As well as many other excellent video broadcasts.
If I could produce music and use AI prompt engineering on a powerful system I would afford a look at the resource of music known as "Wigan Pier for new ideas, AKA Scouse House, Bounce, Donk". Here in England this is revered as very authentic, high energy, euphoric cultural music and its making a come back in clubs and online new remixes. It sometimes incorporates rap type music, eg "The Blackout Crew Put a Donk on it"
This music culture relates to themes of human creativity, manhood, womanhood, a time when male and female energies were more aligned, censorship was less of a thing back then, there's a sentiment of if we could revert back to last known good settings,,, that time might be good place. Drinking and drug culture aside and not condoned, we however know many alternative medicines are beneficial in moderation too.
Wigan Pier music often includes very angelic female vocals.
Keep up your fight for Human Freedom Mike, God bless America.
If we can't break the US Senate's stranglehold over CDC, FDA and HHS nominees, then Big Pharma's mass vaccine holocaust will never be stopped, and millions more children will be injured, killed or rendered autistic because of the damage that's inflicted by vaccines, a form of medical violence against children.
It looks to me like the British leadership cabal of pedo globalists is literally trying to provoke Russia into nuking London. They care nothing about how many of their own citizens are sacrificed as long as they can create a new crisis of war to roll out hard totalitarian controls and shore up their own political power. This is also likely why Boris Johnson persuaded Zelensky to wage war with Russia instead of negotiating peace back in 2022. The question is: Can Britain survive the suicidal tendencies of its own insane leaders? I'm starting to think the answer is no.
The globalists running Earth are Satanists who revel in the ritualistic blood sacrifice of humans beings. Whether through war, abortion, vaccines or famine, they gain great dark spiritual power through human suffering and death. It's time for humanity to expose, depose and DISPOSE of them all.
@HealthRanger every time anyone tries the proof 'disappears' and the person who had the info 'suicides himself' or has a sudden heart attack.
@HealthRanger "they gain great dark spiritual power through human suffering and death" - they don't actually "gain" anything. What they are, as the witches describe them, "energy vampires". They "take the energy away" from the people by inflicting negative emotions. The energy vampires feed on negativity, it brings them joy. Whining, crying, wrath, rudeness and mocking - it's all their doing. The vampires want humanity to suffer just as they do. The vampires didn't become like that by choice, they were cunningly processed into such. Many of them don't even realize that they are vampires, and their arrogance makes them aggressively refuse the fact too. You'd need an equally strong force to reverse them back into balanced humans. If you have energy vampires in the 1%, you cannot just dispose of them, that would only feed their desire, and as last resort, they'll destroy even the whole Earth.
@HealthRanger @primozarnvior Also, the fact it's been rather a slow creep all along... Many who have always "smelled a rat" in most of our societal institutions have distrusted them and have even occasionally been ostracized or denied some of the "perks" of modern life because we refused to comply...
I predict the corrupt British government will carry out a false flag attack in Ukraine to blame Russia and try to strong-arm the USA into the war, citing Article 5 and NATO conventions after Russia retaliates against British military assets. When that happens, we should tell the pedo WEF British leaders to go pound sand, and maybe if we're lucky, the good British people will overthrow the pedo regime and restore some semblance of freedom across the UK. My ancestors are part Irish, btw. And the Irish, among others, deserve to be free.
That may be the plan, but Martin Armstrong’s Socrates computer sees Europe as being the big loser and Ukraine as being a flat line! You wanna guess what the flat line means?
I don’t think his computer‘s been wrong. personally, I’d rather not find out if it’s right!
He keeps encouraging Trump to get out of NATO!
@Lms @HealthRanger We'll see how vague description by AI plays out in reality. There will be lots of details that will make it all make sense.
@Lms @HealthRanger Also, it calculates shallow probabilities. I bet it doesn't know history going 2000 years back, nor can it simulate the future by looking at the past patterns. Nor does it know about the agreements between the oligarchs of the world, signed with blood and gold 50 years before any big event. AI doesn't know the details, it mainly presents the statistics it can calculate.
The British empire has carried out unfathomable levels of cruelty and suffering across the world, spanning CENTURIES of colonization, wars, exploitation and slavery. We are entering a global Gandhi moment to rid humanity of the pedo British slavers. Trump knows this. Elon knows this. Russia knows this. China knows this. Did you know that most British nuclear weapons don't work without USA nuclear codes being granted?
@HealthRanger So has USA, so does every country under the influence of the 1%.
Read this:
Only after reading the book, watch the documentary:
There can never be peace or harmony as long as the ancient parasites own the world.

Earliest English text postulating the existence of an international Jewish conspiracy. Professor Makow (Jewish) on the heart of the death star - Chabad:

Ex Chabadnik:"Did you know that most British nuclear weapons don't work without USA nuclear codes being granted?"
Didn't know that. Won't matter if Britain's missiles don't work any better than their failed ships.
Gandhi was a pacifist. We're not. Today, the World's population is ready to kill these Satanists, n THEIR minions, most violently.
I predict the corrupt British government will carry out a false flag attack in Ukraine to blame Russia and try to strong-arm the USA into the war, citing Article 5 and NATO conventions after Russia retaliates against British military assets. When that happens, we should tell the pedo WEF British leaders to go pound sand, and maybe if we're lucky, the good British people will overthrow the pedo regime and restore some semblance of freedom across the UK. My ancestors are part Irish, btw. And the Irish, among others, deserve to be free.
That may be the plan, but Martin Armstrong’s Socrates computer sees Europe as being the big loser and Ukraine as being a flat line! You wanna guess what the flat line means?
I don’t think his computer‘s been wrong. personally, I’d rather not find out if it’s right!
He keeps encouraging Trump to get out of NATO!
I apologize that our Brighteon AI open source LLM is late, but I held it back because it's not yet as good as I want it to be. Also, better models keep coming out and we are testing adaptation with various models. Will keep you posted. Our AI model will of course be free and open source once released. See Brighteon (dot) AI to join the wait list and learn more.
@HealthRanger Thank you for sharing about XRP a few year's back. Just might become financially stable for retirement in this parabolic bull run!!!!
But you did say it already was better than ChatGPT?
It will have everything from this part of alternative media. All the ramblings.
It still won't have anti-shadow gate, anti-mass control or any counter strategies against the military?
In USA it might be easy to obtain a 4090/5090, but outside the borders those cards require half a year's salary. Plus the addition to power bill from those cards as power is way way more expensive too outside USA thanks to Rothchild's "green agenda" aka excuses to leech people from riches.

Welcome to Brighteon.AI We look forward to your next LLMs. Thank you for the update. Best of luck with your work now in progress! We are ready to use it and see if we can add it to our other AI solutions.
Brighteon Broadcast News, March 5, 2025 – Trump announces plan to SAVE AMERICA from the destructive DEMOCRATS
@HealthRanger The 1% play ping pong with people's minds, just to leech a bit more wealth out of the west through USA C&C, until people really do own nothing, before fully settling their teeth in the people of the east. Believe not the cunning and fall not for the charm of the puppets installed by the 1%!
With help of their tailored AI to introduce a new distraction daily for the gullible the leeches give USA about a decade, before fully abandoning the region. But they will destroy the devastated people to leave no evidence behind. They'll make the rest of the world believe USA was behind everything and the remaining survivors will be targeted for the crimes. Majority STILL TRUSTS MSM. And the 1% owns all of the press, MSM and even majority of the alternative media via advanced puppeteering.
Please refer back to HR Post 4-Days Ago (Posted: Saturday March 1, 2025) & your Reply Re: Lyme Disease
In his joint session speech tonight, Trump specifically mentioned how RFK Jr., as head of HHS, would work to find out why autism has exploded in children over the past few decades. Of course, both Trump and RFK Jr. know very well that autism is caused by vaccines. This hint in his speech indicates they're going to work to expose that causal link.
After consideration, I currently believe RFK Jr. has NOT betrayed MAHA, and that as much as we are super frustrated with the Fox News measles article, we need to have patience with the necessary reforms. I know this contradicts my own previous frustration earlier today. I have reasons to change my view, and I believe we are going to see very positive results over time. I am extending more trust and patience to Sec. Kennedy.