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"Abbott told reporters at a Wednesday briefing that "every source of power the state of Texas has been compromised." That includes renewable wind and solar power, plus power generated by coal or natural gas."
Say what??? Coal 'compromised'?? How? If true that must be the first time coal power has failed in over 100 years! And why hasn't coal failed in other states hit with cold weather?

As millions of Texans endure the third day without power, Governor Greg Abbott says his state may not see temperatures above freezing until Saturday. @HealthRanger
The reason is that the plants in Texas were not hardened for very low temperatures as they are in the rest of the country. Oops! They were supposed to be.......
@HealthRanger @Eyeswideopen I remember driving across Texas 30 years ago and seeing signs saying "Snow Route". How is it possible that coal powered plants were built that all freeze up? I just watched a video of Abbot saying the coal plants were "switched off"... why? What is it that actually freezes? I can understand shortages of gas; I get snow covered solar panels but shutting down a coal fired plant... nope, that one beats me.
@HealthRanger - RE: LIN WOOD and the GA State Bar
These professional bodies often have rules - for example, things that they MUST reply to within a certain timeframe. Is anyone familiar with the GA State Bar rules? Can we draft a letter that, by their own rules, they MUST reply to? If so, we could try to organize to get them a few million sent in the coming weeks.
@HealthRanger An excellent update from the German lawyer about planned legal action against govts and others (this is the same law firm that took on DeutschBank and VW... and won!)
Also, PLEASE check this link:
We need to use whatever methods we can to spread this link more widely, as it is being actively censored on FaceBook, Twitter etc..
Check out the photo of Biden, with Harris and Pelosi. What's with the walls coming apart? And how many corners are there in the Oval Office?

After lackluster jobs data showed the U.S. labor market recovery is stalling, President Joe Biden and his economic team on Friday hammered home the same message in meetings, interviews and television appearances:…
www.reuters.comHere is another image of the same position but now there is an odd dark line from top to bottom. I checked a layout of the Oval Office and there is no secret door in that position... WTF is it???

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero thats not pelosi, Biden and Harris. can tell
@HealthRanger There are many videos around atm... but I have not seen another as good as this.
I don’t know what to say about it except that it is a MUST watch (15 mins).
Dear God... where is this going?

In recent months, Dr Coleman's videos have been targeted by trolls spreading lies, libels and misinformation and because of this, Dr Coleman has had to disable comments. We hope you understand. … @HealthRanger wow! I cried with him!
@HealthRanger Things that make you go …. WHAT??
“This study – on 17,000 people in the UK, South Africa and Brazil – showed protection remained at 76% during the three months after the first dose.”
What an astonishing coincidence! The ‘Oxford Vaccine Trial’ just happened to be in the three countries that are now said to be responsible for mutant varieties of CV.
“Pick any three countries”… what are the odds?

New data also shows the vaccine was 76% effective during the three months after the first dose. @HealthRanger Bullchit!
@HealthRanger @Snowcat Thanks for the eloquent response.
Since you didn't do the math, I'll do it for you. Ignoring the 50 smallest countries, the odds are about 1 in 8,000,000.
@HealthRanger @Snowcat
“French Academy: New Sars-Cov2 Strains May Have Emerged From Vaccination”
@HealthRanger You said we need to see Biden's poll ratings slump... I said the MSM will lie anyway. Have you seen the ABC News /IPSOS poll?
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling the response to the coronavirus":
Approve - 69%
Disapprove - 29%
Skipped - 2%
I, for one, do not believe that!
Here is a screen grab from Biden's press briefing:
Which room "in the White House" is that?
Here is the full video, the grab comes just after the 1 min mark:

Imgur: The magic of the Internet Here is video of part what did happen, at the Capitol, on Jan 21. Note it is overcast and nobody is there:

“现场一手视频,所有记者包括CNN、Fox等被安排在"遥远"的楼顶。 现场约百人左右,非常寒冷约25华氏度,刚刚飘了一阵小雪。。。 不知道看过各大电视台现场"直播的"推友有什么感想。 晴空万里?相同的摄影机位? 这不该是阴谋论吧!”
Twitter@HealthRanger Sorry typo! Should be 'Jan 20' obviously not 21!
@PaulK LOL - tons of blooper events start surfacing now...
@HealthRanger I think I might have an idea how they did it! If you watch the video, there is a big screen on the right (showing the event in bright sunshine!) I bet they had it all pre-recorded and everybody just sat there to watch the recording... so who was really there on Jan 20?
@HealthRanger Mike, if SCOTUS had heard the Texas case, or if Pence had rejected the fraudulent certificates on Jan 6, Trump might still be president. Trump winning was not part of the plan.
What is the next step to SHOW the fraud? How about holding a 2nd impeachment trial, which the MSM cannot avoid? Can you imagine the lib response, as the facts come out... and they will all be watching?
@HealthRanger @freedom1777 I am coming to the view that we are watching a movie and this is all a script. Biden is not a legitimate president and we watched a fake inauguration. Here is a webcam view of the weather at the Capitol at mid-day on Jan 20... yet everything we have seen was in bright sunshine. It is all fake.
This is very odd... at the 1 min mark, Obama 'vanishes' briefly. If you freeze the image at that point, the background is complete ... but Obama is almost completely missing!
@PaulK optics are everything in the grand scheme of duping others..right?
@HealthRanger Trump will not issue the order... because he doesn't have to. After 12 noon, there will be no legitimate president and the military has a simple choice: knowingly obey the orders of an illegitimate president; or, act independently to save the Constitution.
Pray to God they do the right thing!
(Spoiler: they will!)
@HealthRanger Having listened to dozens of commentaries; and, having read hundreds of articles and thousands of tweets and messages... there remains one option that makes sense of it all. Tomorrow, the military will formally take over. You can call it a coup, or whatever you like but the military will be in charge and they will tell everyone they are going to clean up the mess and hold fresh elections. Melania said she is leaving the WH... maybe because that is where the trials will be held.
@PaulK @HealthRanger There is a Wind blowing, a strong Wind.
Therefore, thus says the Lord God, “I will make a violent wind break out in My wrath- Ezekiel 13:13
@HealthRanger @josepheleblanc That's not just a wind... it is a storm, in fact The Storm.
That would be a critical disaster. I hope he does not do this.
Visually, military takeovers are the favored tool of despots everywhere.
There is no clear objective to this. Short circuit rule of law, presumption of innocence, habes corpus to arrest a number of accused traitors?
And who will the military ultimately protect once they are turned loose? Certainly there are a lot in the military (including generals) who align with the Democrats.
Hell is coming.
@HealthRanger Monkeywerx is not buying the 'China invasion' idea. He just posted a good piece and he thinks Trump is going to act... so do I.

For those of you who have been following the Q drops, you will understand what I am about to discuss better than others. For those who have not, I will try to explain this in a manner that simplifies what… @HealthRanger we think Q is part of the psy op that is feeding us information that will be used against us. Info wars is totally against Q and with his most recent pod cast I agree with him.
@PaulK @HealthRanger watch this. Pretty lengthy but worth it.
@HealthRanger @Sweido I think AJ is wrong - why has Q been so strongly attacked by the MSM? I'm not saying everything Q posted was to be taken at face value: some of it was disinfo and 'the plan' has had to change as events intervened. At this point, I will stick with what I believe and what I see. I listen to what others say but I simply don't believe that Trump is going to walk away. History beckons... greatest president ever!
@HealthRanger Mike, another great situation update! Thanks!! BUT even if Biden surrenders to China, 250,000 Chinese troops won't be nearly enough. I hear what you say but I think a better reason to have so many men and so much equipment in DC, is that the 'good guys' fear a counter coup from the 'bad guys'. A counter coup could take weeks to deal with... like maybe until March. Isn't that why Trump didn't trust the Army and went with SpecOps and Marines instead in the first place?
@HealthRanger Something odd going on. Yesterday, Alamo city officials said they not been officially contacted regarding his visit:
Today, Trump unusually made impromptu comments before boarding AF1 and RSB carried the speech from the border wall. There was a helicopter near Trump... the last flight that helicopter made was December 4 2020:
Did Trump really visit Alamo today...

The art of misdirection
@HealthRanger In your update today, you said that your source had said Trump is negotiating with the Pentagon. A recurring back-story to Trump's presidency has been that it was the generals who asked him to run in the first place. It could well be that some now have their hands out but unless they help Trump... under a Biden presidency, they will be dead. Looks like they have to help Trump anyway.
Reading several reports of power blackouts - especially Pakistan and Vatican City.
Probably nothing... but Q4414 said:
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
"PELOSI PENCE" is an anagram of... "Silence Pope"
Must be a coincidence...
Things ARE happening. First, listen to McInerney speaking about Pakistan's role in Tuesday's Georgia elections:
Today there has been a nationwide power outage in Pakistan:
"UPDATE - Minister for Power Omar Ayub and his entire team are working on the major blackout that hit Pakistan. Major cities including the capital Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, and most of the country without power."
