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Lifelong retired conservative who worked 37 years DoD
Lifelong retired conservative who worked 37 years DoD
So…Mike are the pro Palestinian protesters still just young stupid college kids rallying against inequity? Hanging out in tents? Hardly The violence, destruction…continues to escalate as the universities cow …they can protest, destroy property and assult with ZERO arrests.
And so many more around the country are jailed… silence from GOP… dispicable. Time to develop a CENTRAL legal fund and easy access. So many are a mystery even with a google search
I’m done with the cowardly GOP. Democrats stand united. The GOP is not only factuoned but spineless. We have known this for years. Trumps upset temporary bailed them out. Again they cower… yeh impeach Biden… who cares. Hunter Biden? Political fodder for the GOP. Help? Four years and now you pretend to care? Hah!! I’m more disgusted with the GOP…if our candidates on both sides… Trump and Kennedy… how do we write in vote?
@Coligirl … simple just ask any democrat left wing nut job they know all about write in voting ..
Facebook response to me. As Mike reminds us, some are just not going to listen.
"funny cus I get the "jab" plus a shingles vaccine, pneumonia vac, tetanus after stepping on glass in the bay, and a yearly flu. In 1900 life expectancy was 47. You , ma'am enjoy a long life because of scientific advances".
Time will tell.
Kennedy has to deal with the propaganda from the left and the right. Shame on AT publishing such trash.
The left hates him..

Given that Biden continues his public pre-death decomposition, while Kamala's every utterance reaffirms that she is profoundly stupid and kind of weird, it's small wonder that Democrats are turning to…
When you recommend people consider a protection dog, you have no idea the danger. Ask those who gave you your Mal. Protection dogs are too much for 90% of the population. Worse, so many “working dogs” advertised have poor or dangerous temperaments. I live in the country with two collies and a standard poodle (they are bird dogs) and come near my property and that standard will put the fear of God in you. A dog alone is a great deterrent
Are ANY financial advisors versed in what really is happening to the dollar?
@Coligirl My answer is no. Financial advisors are establishment creatures who will say that the Fed will continue to print money so not a problem.
I’m here refuge. I’ve tried… everyone I know except my sister and mother, thinks I’m a nut case. Even my daughter shakes her head. I’ve stocked as much as I can, purchased and invested in areas that are not based on the dollar… growing my first garden..I’m not by no means fully prepared but I keep chipping away….. getting depressing
We’re all in the same boat except for maybe Mike Adams. We all have different things we’re knowledgeable in which would be great if we were an actual community but we’re only a talking community which is better than nothing. I’ve learned a lot just by paying attention and reading here. I appreciate everything everyone posts because if you pay attention, there’s almost always a little nugget of information they’ve shared. Every day I’m surprised when I wake up that things are the same.
I have to VENT!!! The TSP retirement plan. People are freaking out over stock losses. financial advisors give traditional advice to ride out stock fund. I try to explain the eventual crash of the dollar… and backup FACTS… they attack. I’m done. I’ve pulled funds to purchase silver, transferred a significant amount to a precious metals IRA leaving funds to pay off my mortgage and buy hard assets…all contrary to normal financial advice…anyone else in the twilight zone?
I’m here refuge. I’ve tried… everyone I know except my sister and mother, thinks I’m a nut case. Even my daughter shakes her head. I’ve stocked as much as I can, purchased and invested in areas that are not based on the dollar… growing my first garden..I’m not by no means fully prepared but I keep chipping away….. getting depressing
I feel for you and the rest of the world I’m in the same situation I don’t know what to do I’m just trying one day at a time to collect what I can
That’s more than 90% of the population. I fear them most when reality sets in
We’re all in the same boat except for maybe Mike Adams. We all have different things we’re knowledgeable in which would be great if we were an actual community but we’re only a talking community which is better than nothing. I’ve learned a lot just by paying attention and reading here. I appreciate everything everyone posts because if you pay attention, there’s almost always a little nugget of information they’ve shared. Every day I’m surprised when I wake up that things are the same.
Are ANY financial advisors versed in what really is happening to the dollar?
@Coligirl My answer is no. Financial advisors are establishment creatures who will say that the Fed will continue to print money so not a problem.
Got it
How do I reach mike adams directly?
Note there’s no direct email: and this forum is sub par that doesn’t connect users despite what he says in the podcasts
I’d like to ask him directly… and as a loyal listener for three years I may just disconnect
You send him a DM, altho he's a busy guy... He may respond in a different way. For example the link for the 4/19 MP3 wasn't working, so I sent him a direct message. Enough people must have also done the same, cause it worked a few days later.
Not belittling anyone but myself and just a reminder. If you are buying gold or silver to hedge inflation do your homework. Even if the company is sponsored on Brighteon their goal is to make a sale. Depend on your research not their advice.
@Coligirl and usually make that sale for US petro dollars. Right now, the Federal Reserve Note will still purchase land, seeds, goats, cattle, horses, chickens, weapons, tools, fuel, water well, medicine, and much much more. All things which will be is much greater demand than gold, if conditions ever really go bad. It seems to me that gold is for those already wealthy in abundance in the above items of value, and only expecting a "soft crash" of the petro dollar.
I’m in the process of buying silver for commerce “cash” but just discovered the IRA option where I can roll over cash to silver from my retirement fund with the same tax exempt benefits (if that will exist).
I’m a novice awkward prepper but at the grocery store today …because of the health ranger I’m prepared more than most. Thank you Mike
Better get possession of physical silver - word is there’s not nearly enough physical silver to back up all that’s been sold on paper ......
@Coligirl You are exactly right.
Ukraine is starting to ge exposed. I always say Democrats are brilliant…by the time the rest comprehend what destruction they are creating….it’s too late.

Few people today ask the most important question about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Many people want America to stay out of the fight, but even they don’t ask the vital question. Why does the…