Together, with your help, we can keep the Brighteon family of sites operating, innovating and fighting against online censorship. Any amount you can spare makes a difference.

I am old. I have no insider contacts. I'm just guessing.
I am old. I have no insider contacts. I'm just guessing.
Seems to be difficult to see what is going on.
Nonetheless I see very clear statements, that seem consistent, on some web sites.
I watch Judy Byington each day, she seems to me consistent over the years.
And Benjamin Fulford, too.
On telegram I run into inconsistencies, for example all the channels selling "Trump" stuff.
They cannot be real for the simple fact that they dont work for patriots living in Europe.
And Truth Social, too, seems to be a setup. Why, if Mike Adams and gab can set up free and open communication, do I get banned from TS, altho I signed up as soon as it was announced.
I enjoy the reliable, real, freedom on, on, and on If all these people could set up good, open, free speach platfo
rms, then why is TS still in the mud, just like FrankSpeach never ran.
Looking at consistencies over the years, I go with the idea we are in a bad fight, that the war has already been decided for us, but the war has not yet been won.
So I say, continue to pray, the Lord says he will win. He tells us that in the clouds, in the spirit, in helping our suffering. He surely gives a message when it is needed.
Stay with it folks, it cant be much longer. Buy food. Ensure water. Hold the truth
With love
I want to believe what you say and I want to hope but some days it’s very hard but we must keep the faith somehow
If I charge someone before a Common Law court (clc) does that affect Military Tribunals (MT) in any way?
I expect Military Tribunals shortly.
For example for german chancellor Olaf Scholz, for crimes against humanity and against Nuremberg code in insisting upon and doing his best to get installed the mandatory covid injections.
If I convict him before a clc before mt gets to him, does this predjudice mt? Like in cannot be charged twice?
I even can imagine that if so - altho mt are non-civilian - such defendants could infiltrate clc to their advantage to avoid mt.
@DavidLawn IMHO, this would depend on the laws in your country, or EU. Infiltration: only an idiot would do that when the legal consequences are so great.
Banned by Truth Social
I am not only banned on twitter but also on truthSocial.
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I like, (was,
These are ban-free.

Censorship is rampant on Big Tech social media platforms, with conservatives and republicans being silenced, suspended and shadowbanned. Conservative Truth Network (CTN) was created so patriots can have…
"10,000 D.U.M.B's around the world
U.S has 1800 ... It's not a simple job to fix this.. Kill this. Take control. Lots of variables.. Humans. Children
Weapons. WMDs . Bio facilities, clone factories. Engineered Super soldiers. Kill switch. Traps..ext.
7.7 Billion people on Earth
_.02 percent SUPER ELITE1,540,000 Million
_1% PERCENT Elite=77,000,000
Million Elites
_10% 770,000,000 million MILITARY.cia across the world three letter AGENCYs. In so countries.. Corrupted police. News station. Managers. Militias organizations. Mercs. Underground Blackwater soldiers.. Corrupt doctors. Lawyers scientist. Officials. Pharmaceutical companies. Big Tech industries All over 190 countries around the World!!!
Over 800,000,000 forces and divided MILITARY in many countries inside The DARK WEB of Global control to the ELITEs..
It's a Big Job.. Soldiers. People, whistle blowers are dying to try to save you and Atone the world
From 1400 year Control khazarian bloodline>ROTHSCHILDs ROCKEFELLERS World banks
VATICAN Old control on 70 NATIONS, . Ext. Ext ext. Obama.. Gates.. Bushes. CCP.. And so and on.. And on... Ext ext....
The White HATS.. MiL. Are trying their best to keep the DEATH counts down...
No whining and crying.. Stop fighting amongst your selves. It servers no purpose"
Source: 19 May 2022

It's time...
"Just a bit of marine traffic backed up there in Shanghai — get ready for massive supply shock (see previous post)"
Source: 2022-05-13

The truth can be a hard pill to swallow...
genuine couple.
Miss them so much…
thanks but i cannot access this fugitive site
best regards
Germany has a Military Transitional Government.
"Military is the only way" - Q
Germany: Decree of the Military Transitional Government.
Germany has been declared a vaccine- and test-free zone. This means that all vaccinations, injections and PCR testing should cease with immediate effect. This was confirmed by the Commander-in-Chief of Special Forces for Germany.
ransitional government forces are being deployed all over the world to protect humanity. They are setting up military courts that can, among other things, sentence to death people who violate this decree. There will be no exceptions in Germany either. All German politicians have received a letter to cease their activities.
Welcome, Q, Z.

Tues. 26 April at midnight the United Nations loses all power over any sovereign nation per national treaties. They work with the World Bank SWIFT system. Sovereign nations will have to switch to t…
Operation Disclosure OfficialQuote
Expect France to be on fire this weekend, with riots spreading throughout Europe in weeks to come: Italy, Germany, UK, US, Canada, South American, Middle East, Greece.
Winter on Fire means riots, explosions, wars in countries expanding, Deep State using HAARP for weather modification, fires, Climate Change, heating oceans, Deep State using the last of their ammo to create chaos, Civil Unrest using MSM, Social Media.
It’s the End Game, the
Near Death Civilization Event when as the people see the wickedness and pain and ask for help, the Military steps in.

Tues. 26 April at midnight the United Nations loses all power over any sovereign nation per national treaties. They work with the World Bank SWIFT system. Sovereign nations will have to switch to t…
Operation Disclosure OfficialWatching for Trump - here are the latest Trump Truth Tweets and Twitter Tweets at 0150 ET 26 April 2022
You can watch him thus on qagg:
@DavidLawn Only eat organic foods.
I agree - have you seen this film, the slide about the ancient greeks?
No it is too big. so here is the slide
Q-Post 4577 contains innocent names
If you threaten someone with terror, with fear of death, you can make that person split off the terrible fear event from consciousness.
This split-off part of the mind can then receive orders, and, under death fear, carry out those orders.
In this way certain people are "handled" to the cannibals table and made to eat. Or are used in oth
er ways.
On the NSA tapes they appear to be guilty. But such people neither know where they are nor what is happening.
I can prove all that I say.
I can offer witnesses for what I say.
Have a look here after 29:20. Incredible reality.

TRUMP & SAMMY STORE SPONSORS TELEGRAM Yes, I saw that, at I've learned it's not parody or satire but run by white hats. That is, they're publishing facts not fiction. The DS-ers insist it's fake.
I am very sceptical even unbelieving of some of the things rrn writes - because it is so obviously an instrument to put across certain images.
Also, how come Fauci is hanged without the American (indeed, world) people being present?
We should all be permitted to experience and know this.
So there is something unreal about rrn for me.
@DavidLawn This was explained some yrs ago before the general American public *knew* about the military tribunals happening first at the Navy base on Cuba's island & spread to several others due to so many unsealed indictments. That is, ppl wouldn't know what's happening until a yr or so later. In between, there'd be BDs role-playing the arrested-waiting-for-trial or adjudicated (usually dec'd). This notice made its rounds on social media inc. twttr when such news was 'allowed' lol.
Professional natural healers are saying when dealing with some clients, "there's nothing there-no energy field-nothing!", and "they're dead!".
I post this because it seems to me to be so very serious. The effects of the vaxx.
"People have absolutely NO idea"
You are surely right.
It is unbelievable, enormous.
READ all FiveEyes, 5eyes drops. They dissolve.
NATO, CIA, Mossad & every other Khazarian Intelligence Agency dissolves. It is all in the Drops.
Remember November 2018 NSA took control of CIA.
Remember Fed is dead & merged with Treasury.
Remember Queen is really dead too.
Remember Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
God Bless.
Source 23 April 2022

You can view and join @Whiplash347 right away.
t.meyou know that truth proves itself
you already feel it
will surely soon become evident
What they are doing to us. How they are doing it.
Deborah is a wonderful woman. I remember her reporting on the Paradise fire-destructions - surely DEW - shortly after the event. I shall never forget the repots of eyewitnesses who said they saw remants of flesh on the floors of the burned-out cars and didnt dare look into the burned-oout school buses.
Deborah has been courageous in all the time since then and, I hope, will surely get the recognition she
deserves as we move on to capture those responsible for the destruction there - the destruction of so many lives and the properties.
Truth Social still does not work without an iphone.
therefore I will not go to truth social.
How much truth can there be when they need my phone, and could track me.
Is it good or is it bad, I don't know, if we've been had.
though I think not, it more likely just a step to which we have got.
@DavidLawn And I need to create an ID Me account to find out when I am going to get my 2021 stimulus check.
you are right I am sure. Anyway theres a newly structured site called Trump could have gone with or even this site - the technical problems are solved so i dont know why TS doesnt work yet.
At Gitmo
Fauci wrote to Brix: “We can get rid of him. The ignoramus doesn’t understand even basic science. He’s scientifically illiterate. We can bend him to our will, get him to say what we want him to say, and he’ll be gone in no time.”
Vice Adm. Crandall to Fauci: “I’m curious, Fauci, who were you referring to in this letter?”
Fauci: “Fuc… Trump. Who do you think? That stupid son-of-a-b….”
Crandall: “T
hat’s what we call seditious conspiracy and treason,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “I guess he isn’t as stupid as you thought—you’re here after all.”
Here is a list of the main elements of Gesara-Nesara.

We received the following report from a supporter. We cannot confirm or deny the credibility of these claims, but if they are true then the world is approaching a major shakeup. If/When Nesara/
CIR Now@DavidLawn
Bring it on!
I'm ready.
Just read that 17 nations , including for example France and Germany as well, are going under military rule.
That will surely help the matlter.
Congratulate me - I have been banned from commenting on Gateway Pundit.
Thats one less source I have to take time to read!
Hi well I went thru a seeking time and found my mind had been split by child traffickers. Thus I had a conscious access to mind split, to the distance between hell and Jesus' earth - it is a long way - and that sort of gave me trust in God and Love and Jesus and I need that and live with that.
Thank you for your words - they help!
Reminds me of the story of Lazarus living on the doorstep of the rich man, and the dogs licking his wounds. Dogs are very good like that and their licks are healing. And then the story speaks of the enormous distance between heaven and hell and even the distance between hell and earth is enormous.
Best regards.
Beginning to fathom the role of laughter in life, why it's infectious.
No man is an island, everything we know is connected to each of us in ways we're just now beginning to understand and sharing this newfound understanding w/others becomes as natural as drawing breath.
ANY Christian laughs in the face of death knowing fully and w/out regret what it means. "We are in this world, but not of it." Now that's some serious irony if you're on the right team.WWG1WGA
I am with you that a Christian can laugh at death. Death is not important. I dont know why, I like to live, but the world is such, it cannot be important.
I sing when I walk along the allee between the oak trees . A few are 300 years old. Eight were planted a month ago.
I cannot sing. I choke on my old suffering when i try, But I figure when I try to sing the Lords prayer then it is perhaps a little more powerful than if i just say it to myself.
@arjayem Such a peace to be amongst the trees. I really can’t explain it but the drive to walk through them, is real. God’s beauty.
You, who seem to be chummy with God, tell us how long you figure we have to suffer the death cult?
I dont really care because I know He is running the show.
You, indeed, know that, too.
So, we let the show devolve.
Humbly, may the Lord protect you all.
Absolutely. Thank you.