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Saved by Faith in Jesus and Proud to be an American.
Saved by Faith in Jesus and Proud to be an American.
@HealthRanger Awesome interview Mike!
@HealthRanger Thank you, thank you! This is such good information! We need to be empowered by this knowledge, so that we can confidently go out and not feel intimidated by the uneducated masses who are willing to comply to any order given by the government or billionaire demons such as Gates.
Know your rights and know follow your God-given common sense and good judgement.
P.S. Great career choice by Kristen!
@HealthRanger This was awesome! I sent a cooy to my 13 yr old grandson. Mantanzas High School aling with all the rest if schools are making the children wear those damn masks all day long!!!! He won't go into a store without one. He says it's required. Wtf? Something has to be done and soon!
Algerian Military flight now coming to U.S. from the known prison black site Terceira ??
@xpain Interesting. Technically not Algerian military as the plane has a commercial registration, but does belong to Algerian government. Could have simply stopped there for refueling from Algeria. Where will it land?
@xpain This Gulfstream IV landed in Savannah, which is where the Gulfstream plant is located. More than likely the island stop was for refueling and the flight was either scheduled maintenance or an upgrade at Gulfstream.
@xpain Didn't MonkeyWerks say that Trump possibly landed in Charleston the other day, if he did not leave the country? Possible Connection?
I read somewhere that Biden team already scheduled time off next week. Can anyone confirm? I can’t remember where I read this. Not starting a rumor but looking for confirmation of what I read. Thanks for any info.
Lol! Looks like they didn't get the memo to comply with the charade.
At what point will we learn to never take freedom for granted? It's the point where we think we've LOST it.
What we are going through is a GIFT.
Many will soon see.
"the best is yet to come" Donald John Trump. #trump2020
@londonarmyreal where'd this clip come from?
I remember seeing this clip, but couldn't find it again. Thanks for posting.
And Nathanael said unto him, Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?Philip said unto him , Come and see
John 1.46
Jesus is the living word,and His Word has an answer for every doubt that we or anyone we encounter might have. Jesus knows what we go through in life , He's been there .,( Ps 103:14).It is not a sin to doubt, but it becomes sin if we harbour those doubts , never go to the Lord with them, and allow unbelief to take hold of our hearts and minds .Ask for help .
great message
too many out here losing faith, clearly they never had any as they have never felt an inkling of it...
said by me, right now
From Lou Dobbs twitter: "Obamagate Documents: John Solomon says he has confirmed with the FBI and the White House that documents have been declassified as we await its release."
I am thankful to be on here with other Christian Patriots so that we can encourage each other during these trying times.