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I love the smell of truth in the morning…
I love the smell of truth in the morning…
@HealthRanger You talk about the great work Hoplite Armor does and their solid products…You may want to consider why they would be posting pics like this on their IG page? Maybe a taboo truth that your Kosher Certifiers wouldn’t want spoken too loudly…?
@guloguloguy lol, yeah…You’re totally not a fedbot
@HealthRanger So Mike, when do you get your stacks of silver for winning the “white hat/election” bet you made?
Yesterday’s podcast was laughably embarrassing during the “Jew card smashes the Black card” section… Take your own advice for Ben Shapiro and “take the next step” @HealthRanger
Mike literally spent 20 minutes tiptoeing as HARD as he could around the Kayne/Jew issue without ever concluding, “Kayne is correct and the Jews clearly do control those things”, (which is the ONLY honest conclusion). And sadly it’s all because he knows he’d lose all his Kosher certifications if he publicly agreed with Kayne. Mike’s intellectual dishonesty was showcased full force yesterday, and it’s clear that his monetary bottom line is worth more than the truth, regardless of what he claims
Absolutely disgusted with yesterday’s Situation Update @HealthRanger. There’s a reason the T is with the LGB. They are ALL degenerate, immoral sexual mental disorders. I laughed aloud when Adam’s said, “The LGB people don’t want to be associated with the mental disorder that is Transgenderism”. Up until the 60-70’s being gay was LITERALLY classified as a MENTAL DISORDER until it was changed due to political pressure. They are ALL unnatural behaviors, they are all anathema to God’s will, and they are ALL mental disorders.
@NorthwoodsNimrod @HealthRanger
Given enough time…..more and more people will come to accept certain abomination as normal or acceptable (see American Corporations giving benefits to help promote/normalize spiritual darkness while marginalizing conservative traditional values)……bravo for stating plain truth
Haha @HealthRanger i know you like Hoplite armor and have mentioned their gear before. You might want to go check out their IG page. They’re dropping absolute fire about Jews and Israel…Hopefully it helps you see the light
@HealthRanger Mike, sorry to say but it’s you who are ignorant on modern Judaism in relation to abortion. Modern Judaism is based on the Talmud, NOT the Old Testament. The Talmud absolutely allows abortion. You need to do some research, and read John 8:44 while you’re at it…
@HealthRanger ”They hate white people, but they hate black people twice as much” - Situation Update 4/19/22
”They” hate Whites and Blacks….So let’s do the math here Mike. “They’re” not White nor Black, so who is “They”? You like talking about Farrakhan sometimes, maybe he might have some insight…
We’ve been hammering Fauci and GOF as the cause of this “viral” outbreak…Was the GOF research there for snake venom proteins, NOT random corona/flu-spike proteins which is what we assumed? And they what? Perfected this waterborne venom toxin and released it into Wuhans water? Or was that all complete theater and there never actually was any outbreak and China just played their part of pretending there was one? The WatchTheWater video and Ardis’ interviews leave so many unanswered questions.
@HealthRanger Still have plenty of unanswered questions…So what actually happened at Wuhan? Was GOF actually the cause of this venom toxin? Why did every country (including Russia and China) go into full lockdown mode with masking etc etc, if there was no actual flu virus (regular flu or worse)? Wouldn’t they, Russia particularly, been playing defense against an “attack” rather than a “random flu”? Or did all the global labs adhere to the US CDC’s PCR testing and not think for themselves?
@HealthRanger One thing I’m still confused on, is what is happening in China? If this is a poison in waterways, does China not know this? Why are they going nuts on their own population and locking down and starving people to the risk of a civil war/uprising? All asymmetrical warfare against the USA…? They know it’s not a flu but they are using “Covid” as an excuse to damage the American economy and brutalize their own populace? Seems rather over the top and risky if that’s the case….
@NorthwoodsNimrod @HealthRanger UN A-21 included eliminating live pets.
@NorthwoodsNimrod @HealthRanger Has anything made sense in the last 2 years? I’m as confused as you are about the poisoned water efficacy. There’s not enough snake venom in the world to accomplish that unless there is some contagious aspect manufactured into the poison that hasn’t been found yet. As to what China would do to their populace, people are plentiful and easy to replace there while food and land isn’t. Culling the herd wouldn’t bother them a bit if history is correct.
@Independent What about Russia though? Literally every major nation locked down, masked, tested, jabbed etc…Is the entire global leadership in on this? They all just pretended there was a flu outbreak and then released toxins into the water supplies? Can’t see Putin going along with that. And what happened at the Wuhan lab with the GOF research? Did Fauci’s people made the spike/venom protein there? Because it was confirmed in the FOIA emails that they were discussing it being a flu outbreak.
No sooner finished your podcast from today and I see this pop up Looks like the 70% threshold is a solid thread to pull on…. @HealthRanger
JUST IN - WHO Europe director "worried" about new more transmissible "variants," saying pandemic won't be over at all until 70 percent are vaccinated.
I’ve made my choice you FUCKING TYRANT PUPPET. I choose to live free!
If y’all aren’t awake yet and preparing to live outside THEIR system, what are you waiting for?
If you’re still stuck in New England instead of a truly free state, consider joining up with fellow preppers and homesteaders preparing for Hell

The Self-Sufficiency Foundry For Committed New England Patriots.
t.meAgenda 2030 is not an arbitrary date, it coincides with peak declination of sun activity and therefore crop growth. All of us need to prepare our households for what is coming.
The NWO knows the global population will have to be drastically reduced to sustain itself on the approaching harvest decreases. Is this the true purpose of the depopulation agenda? Is this behind the Transhuman push? @HealthRanger
Join a network of New England preppers and homesteaders!

The Self-Sufficiency Foundry For Committed New England Patriots. @HealthRanger Wish there was a group like this in NC
So a 12 year old girl was just paralyzed from the waist down during the #Moderna vaccine trial. But it’s okay cause she was a “volunteer” right?
This is EVIL.
@NorthwoodsNimrod Parents who sacrifice their children need to be held accountable too.
“Oxford University published an important study based on more than 489k mRNA vaccine recipients that shows that the risk of portal vein thrombosis (blood clotting) appears to be 30 times higher with mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) than with AstraZeneca’s”.
Keep this in perspective
Dozens of nations around the world have either SUSPENDED or CEASED the distribution of the AstraZeneca vax due to its potential for creating blood clots in patients. This study shows that BOTH of the American vax’s (Pfizer + Moderna) are THIRTY TIMES more likely to cause blood clotting issues than AstraZeneca’s, and the CDC and FDA are SILENT on the issue. All is well and safe with the Vax’s.
Now...Keeping that in mind, the CDC and FDA recommended CEASING the J&J vax due to blood clotting issues.
Ask yourself this: How many clotting issues was the J&J vax causing, where the Feds had to shut it down, when they AREN’T shutting down two vax’s that cause clotting at a rate 30 times higher than AstraZeneca’s?
The Feds don’t care about you, they care about their kickbacks from Big Pharma’s profit margin. We are being wholesale lied to about the adverse effects and deaths caused by these vaccines. These are death injections which are being coerced and intimidated into the populace. Do not be a lamb led to slaughter.
Prepare your families for the fight of their lives.
If you have interest, I just started a self-reliance channel on the Telegram app. Please feel free to join. We can use it for general news postings, but ideally I’d like it to become a form of living encyclopedia of self-sufficiency resources, Q&A’s, bartering, etc. We’re going to need a strong local network as things begin to get worse! Download Telegram, then search for New England Minuteman Network. The more members, the more useful for all!
Just plowed 4” off my driveway, now I’m shoveling the remnants. Literally just had to stop because I was laughing so damn hard as I listened @HealthRanger attempt to pronounce Salomon boots. Wicked funny, especially as I’m standing in a pair of knee high Mucks in snowy New England. Great entertainment.