Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
Propaganda aimed at halting the resulting fallout of Truth Bombs is futile; for, unlike a lie, the Truth cannot be untold; the fake-news attempts to cover their lies by spewing more, and more, even bigger, fantastic lies.
Wokeness has awakened and caused the people to cry out; YHWH indeed hears; for, He answers their cry by sending His Holy Spirit to move among the people; woe unto any who reject Him; for, the hemorrhage of deceitfulness and lies will drain their souls.
The deceit and lies, designed by the enemy, to perpetuate fear, have no power before the Word of YHWH EL ELYON; their propaganda withers before His TRUTH; stay in the WORD and hold tight.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for this move of Holy Spirit which is spreading across the land and through the people. Lord we pray that the Truth not only replaces all the deceit and lies being spewed by the fake-news, but there be complete halt to the propaganda according to YOUR Will. Lord, there is much going on in these days and we ask for the strength to deal with the heaviness around us. Father, give us the eyes to see what YOU are doing, the ears to continually hear YOUR Word, and the hearts to accept YOUR Discipline and Love. And Lord Father God, we declare in the name of Jesus, America is turning back to YOU… and America, shall be saved. AMEN!