Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
Awake, oh brothers and sisters; awake and walk in the coolness of the day with YHWH; spend time in conversation with your Father; each day ask Holy Spirit to open your eyes and ears, and to cleanse your heart.
Though the way before you would appear to be treacherous and laced with turmoil, listen for His Voice; let His Word guide your steps; and when you stumble, lean upon Him; trust Him in all things; He will not abandon His children.
Let not the dust of your daily walk nor the tarnish of turmoil remain upon your feet; let not the day end without giving thanks and repenting before YHWH EL ELYON; hold tight brothers and sisters to the holiness of your creation; embrace the Father’s Love, Promise and Truth.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for being our Father; for loving us, despite ourselves; we thank YOU for YOUR Love and the Salvation of YOUR Son. Father, we admit our faults; even though YOU created us in YOUR image, we are not without sin. As YOUR children, Father, we ask YOUR forgiveness. Lord Father, we ask that we are fully cleansed and purified by the healing waters of Holy Spirit. Lord, we pray for our nation; we pray for YOUR Holy Spirit continue to touch each and every man, woman, and child and turn our country back to YOU. Father, we declare in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved! Amen.