Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
Even to this day, there are echoes of Obama’s sarcastic intent and delivery of his 2009 message, “Elections have consequences,” and in case there is any doubt, “I won.” Rather than fulfilling his mandate to unify the nation, this fellow cultivated division instead; doubt not, the people are feeling the dire consequences of this path.
No longer bound, spiritual entities and powers, seized upon the season; now unleashed they are now free to attack any and all who carry the Cyrus Anointing; Satan, knows well the Word of YHWH; he will stop at nothing to obscure it.
Holy Spirit is on the move, let not the day pass, without embracing the Word and Love of YHWH EL ELYON; hold tight; stay in His Word.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for granting leaders the discernment to hear and know YOUR Voice, the humbleness to listen to the people, the wisdom to stay in YOUR Word, and the courage to abide by YOUR Will. Lord, we reject the lies of the enemy and pray for each to seek repentance and turn back to YOU. Father, we declare, in the name of YOUR most holy Son, Jesus Christ, America, shall be saved. AMEN!!