Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
The heat is on; a tyrannical regime has taken hold of America; they shamelessly stoke the flames of oppression and persecution; and they will keep turning up the heat, attacking the fundamental rights of the people, for as long as they are able.
Censoring, any who speak the truth against you… demeaning, those who live according to the WORD… criminalizing and jailing, all who oppose your doctrine; these oppressive tactics do not represent the love Jesus commanded of us.
These Bidenites are a stiff-necked people; they have hardened their hearts against the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; for, what they do, is not favorable before His eyes, nor do they abide by His Love.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray for the love of Jesus to come upon America in order to extinguish any and all fires of hatred and persecution that currently exist in our government, our churches, our families, and even our own hearts. Father, we are in desperate need, and ask for YOUR Holy Spirit to continue moving across the land and through the people. Lord, let YOUR Fires of Revival be the backfire set in the hearts of YOUR people; giving us the courage and strength required to prevent any further spread, and to extinguish the tyrannical flames of hatred, oppression and persecution. And Lord God, we declare, in the name of Jesus, America, shall be saved. Amen.