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Did the Biden’s fly to the Super Bowl on AF1?
Wow, what’s rigged more the Election or the Super Bowl or the Markets ?
CJTruth, Joe M, X-22, Praying Medic, Lin Wood, all the Social Media influencers are selling you a rosy picture of some GRAND plan. Now, it's being pushed back six months.
Do you see it clearly now, that goal post will continually move to keep you pacified in the belief that OTHERS are going to save YOU?
There's NO indication's this is the case, NOTHING. Get close to God, very close, because from here until the end, you'll need him.
Sleep is very important for our wellbeing
Nowadays, with so many worries and barrage of "Latest News" we seem to be more stressed than usually
Here are some tips and more for you to download to improve your sleep quality
I feel like we’re in just one post Q psyop circle jerk while Biden signs executive orders, dominion machines exist and Trump is out golfing.
There is evil, then there is evil.

Remember anything Amazon is never good
@HealthRanger out of curiosity... what denomination are you? Curious when you start planning to share the good word of God.
It shouldn't matter what health ranger denomination is. Gods word is the same in all denominations.
@HealthRanger if the insurrection act has been signed, and the military hold the power. Surely this means the inauguration is fake and doesn’t mean anything, add to the fact Trump says ‘the best is yet to come’ etc. Maybe Biden has been ‘sworn in’ but really....he has no power? The military may move imminently?
There is a retired 4 star general named "Luck." But he is in his 80s.
Trump has said goodbye and thank you with his speech today. While he did not use the word "concede" that was what he did. I'm crying.
I thought Gina Haspel was in Gitmo? So much dis-information.
Well, looks like the deep state won. Need to stick with God more than ever.
Its a relief to know that Biden will be inaugurated, not because I'm pro Biden, but because it is exhausting getting my hopes up then hopes dashed, over and over. Biden getting in is not the end of the world, we can and will continue to fight for election reform, getting rid of Dominion and cleaning up voter registration lists. Fight against censorship by building free expression platforms. Maybe 3rd party, and reforming Republican party to its principles. Pray Biden not succeed in -continued
How are we going to live when U.S. MILITARY is literally engaging in ACTIVE SEDITION AND INSURRECTION AND TREASON against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? That means Trump is wrong, there is NO RULE OF LAW, we are being RULED BY WINNIE THE POOH. Are you happy about losing all your freedoms? Are you joyful about being enslaved and then murdered?
“Peaceful transition to military power...” - Maj. General of National Guard said to DS reporter, who didn’t get it...
The antichrist must rise, Biden is an expendable disposable straw man opponent to him. Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` is the true Savior.
where can i listen to Lin Wood and Mike Adams?
My view of the patriot movement based on scripture & history. Unlike our founders like Washington & Henry who were saved by Jesus Christ, today's movement is NOT of the same spirit overall. Instead, I see a movement more akin to Barabbas; haters of Caesar but do not lovers of Jesus. What preceded our Revolutionary War was the Great Awakening of the 1730's. "Sinners In The Hands of An Angry God" preached by Jonathan Edwards resulted in LOVE for Christ. That is what is missing in this movement.
I might be overly suspicious..but the school has these chipped, encoded cards my kids must use to sign on to remote learning..through GOOGLE (they tried to mandate we use Chrome books..we refused). I told them we won't use them *sigh* here we go.
Does military know China has undermined democracy and enacted global martial law? Is military really participating in high treason with foreign powers? We no longer have a republic.