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@erinbluetee yep I have the ringing in the ears also but it's like I caught every virus on the planet and yes we have to keep trying!! I won't be giving up!
@erinbluetee it affected me and I am not vaxxed and take all precautions to protect myself from the shedding. Taking all necessary supplements including chlorine dioxide I have been sick since the 12th. It's like every cell in my body I can feel and it hurts
@sanricop I thought the same thing until I checked instead of the health ranger. You can find the current shows there
@DianaLynn01 thanks. It makes it easier to get the podcasts and not having to go to the site.
@riverdream I deleted it
@DianaLynn01, was it bad? Lol
@riverdream Yes LMAO
@DianaLynn01, well, would not be the first time for bad stuff! Lol
@Patriot_PDkhov Yep! I also had seen a live video they first released of one of the planes going through the tower except one of the wings was still on the outside of the building... Hologram? Can't find that video and we know why.
@DianaLynn01 @Patriot_PDkhov The video is very hard to find.
@Thyme1967 If you take quercetin and zinc at same time and possibly have some chlorine dioxide and take before you go out....take every day along with c and d you will be safe. I am not a doctor but I also worried about the shedders although if your immune system is up you should be fine...your hurting yourself by wearing a mask.
Maybe all of us should send Trump videos of broken hearted parents,family members and friends that have lost someone close to them. Blow up his social media pages with the truth.
@Arktos99 And 4th we ALL should be able to sue them ALL for the pain and suffering they have caused in our everyday life. For the loved ones we have lost and the future grand kids we won't have to enjoy. For the daily dose of fear porn. I am extremely angry
@heartnsoulr1 On the local news here in spocomton otherwise known as Spokane Wa. They did a segment on what's truth or not about monkey pox...they said Truth on wether you can get infected by touching clothes and bedding, stating if a person is infected and tried on clothes the next person who tries on said clothes will get infected . I am assuming they are using fear porn on the masses.
@heartnsoulr1 I typically don't buy food there either but when it came to wondering if I would have enough to survive I had to put pride away as in my 20's I was married to someone who showed me what it was like to go hungry. I won't be eating bugs nor family members also learning how to grow own food. @heartnsoulr1
@Maria47aKowi Yes I watched her also and yes she was funny at times but she was only acting. She was playing a fictional character. There's a saying now that the truth is stranger than fiction and AMEN to that. I understand your thought on it pays the bills but morally if my job meant to spew lies and deceit and against our brothers and sisters of the world I myself would have to decline because I have a soul. That thing doesn't and probably didn't when we thought she was funny. This is unprecedented times and to be quit honest I for one am sick of it. Thank you for your reply.
@DianaLynn01 Well, we've no idea what actresses and commentators really think. We can only opine. At her age, in her 70s I think, she's lucky to still be working in a field she likes. Oh, well. We can ignore her and the dippy daytime show. They never manage to solve things well enough but they sure do cause consternation and dissension, which is good for them to keep their name in the news (smh). Have a good day.
@Maria47aKowi you have a good day Also!
@Shewee I think it's their upside down and backwards thinking....their insistence on defending abortion making their main point it's a woman's body and their choice for abortion but it's only for their agenda of killing unborn babies....the jab is for both men and women and my body my choice doesn't fit their narrative. Dead Babies.
Video: Kamala Harris Compares Roe Overturn To SLAVERY
@AlexJones That's because SHE IS dead between her ears. How embarrassing for her
@AlexJones Kamala was bitch motherfucker as the CA Attorney general
Hollywood celebrities can't figure out which way is up, as they scream for abortion rights while also going "all in" for forced vaccination

On the one hand, it makes sense. If you despise human life and enjoy killing babies in the womb, then you would also want people dying from clot shots, also known as COVID-19 "vaccines." On the other hand,… thank the Lord that woman is too old to reproduce!!!! What a ugly soul.
Hollyweird has so many trannies you would be surprised! Is this another one??
@NaturalNews she used to be a comedian.
List of foods and supplements to detox from heavy metals in vax and from chemtrails. Don't let them poison us! 1. Cilantro. 2. Blueberries. 3. Lemons. 4. Spirulina. 5. Chlorella. 6. Garlic. 7. Beets. 8. Artichokes. 9. Turmeric. 10. Ginger
Artichokes are higher on glycemic index than white potatoes…..
But the others…..on my daily intake (not #4 or #5 either)
I haven't been eating artichokes or #4 or 5 either and I didn't know about artichokes being high on the glycemic Index. Thank you...I think I will get #4 and #5 as I do (try) to consume the others also. I am in a mission
@DianaLynn01 Thanks for the list. My faves are garlic, spirulina, lemons. and others PRN.
@Maria47aKowi Yes I know most don't read or listen and its also due to no common sense left in the world. People have become lazy and let people who work for US tell them what to do. I live in the same world as they do....I have the same ability to research as they do or I should say they have the same ability as we do. Ignorance is not bliss. I am sorry as I do agree with you I just can't wrap my head around parents jabbing their children on cue just because a authority figure says to. sad!
@DianaLynn01 Yes, I agree with you. In my younger days, when I depended on the MSM to tell us the truth, was fairly naive, I'd have probably done the same. It doesn't excuse it but folks who don't know to research, or for some other reason, they depend on sources they trust --whether that source is good or not. That is, these days, there's more hucksters than honest truth-tellers.
@environmentalist That's something I think about all the time. There are suppliments that you can take to rid your body of the heavy metals and toxins soooo maybe they are taking them? Can't understand crazy no matter how hard you try.
Watch: Journalists Detained by Swiss Police Outside Davos WEF Summit
If monkeypox wasn't planned, Explain why the govt has spent millions buying smallpox tests since 2016, and a billion on a new manufacturing site for smallpox vaccines in 2018, when smallpox was eradicated in the 70s.
Smallpox was globally wiped off planet earth back in the 70s.
Coincidentally, smallpox vaccines and tests happen to work on monkeypox too. Search usaspending. Gov "smallpox" for proof.

When the United States suffered a great wave of smallpox outbreaks at the turn of the 20th century, the public health field was in its infancy. @GoldieElaine So this tells us monkeypox is a.k.a. cv19 or part of the coronavirus family. DYK in the 1989 ed. of the AMA reference book on diseases (pardon if you're read this b4), coronovirus was a.k.a. the common cold. The URI isn't dangerous BUT the 'cures'/vaxx & boosters are.