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Evil is just another disease in need of a cure! Be the cure assassinate evil now!
Evil is just another disease in need of a cure! Be the cure assassinate evil now!
For those of u that have a telescope with picture n video capabilities all u have to do is capture pictures n or close up videos of those drones ,grab still frames n u will discover those drones are US military drones.
The US military has drones that r loaded with diseases, bugs carrying lethal disease,boiweapons n the like. These drones can self recharge ,be launched from underwater, fully function in water n air.
Match by patents, photo recognition, or drone manufacturers' websites.
The US military has countless drones, uaps designed to kill u.
BTW We suggest that u dont publish any of ur drone pics proving that ur military,government bold face lies to u Americans.
The US military r bloodthirsty hateful demons that cant wait to have Americans die for their israeli pedo Baal worshipping low IQ whores.
They lie about the drones. Millitary has rife size emp for singe drone hits n microwave killer drones.
Again, drones r US military kill drones to kill Americans n blame Russia.
Evil must be sent back. Evil is now sent back to those who go by known as,or sign with the following names:
Benjamin Netanyahu,Yitzhak Goldknof, Aryeh Deri, Ben-Gvir Eli Cohen, Bezalel Smotrich, Yoav Gallant, Joseph Biden, Antony Blinkin, Benny Gantz, Ivanka Kushner, Jared Kushner,Klaus Martin Schwab, Haim Katz, Galit Distle,May Golan , Israel Katz, Hilde Schwab, Olivet Schwab, George Soros, Alexander Soros, Andrea Soros, Jonathan Tivadar Soros, Robert Soros,David Rockefeller jr. Steven Clark Rockefeller, Steven Clark Rockefeller jr, , Bill Gates, David George Philip Cholmondeley, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
All the named evil they have created past,present, along with the agony of humiliation,loss of children,family, friends, destruction of homes,mansions,castles n all evil they and their minions have inflicted on upon earth n all beings all the evil created, generated by the named,has been carried back to them,the named immediately without mercy by the Holy Spirit ,strangled by their own evil until they be dust.
Zero persons,beings or things can stop the return of evil to the named, by the Holy Spirit.
The Hand of The Heavenly Father has seen and hears the cries of genocide ,has cursed the land called Israel no fruit or profits shall it bare nor shall the Israeli jew beings. For The Creator has instructed many Nations to descend upon Israel to destroy them and all their evil wickedness.
So it be and is, We give thanks and praises to The Creator.
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It is interesting how American Trump supporters allow Trump to strip them of their rights, life covid bioweapon injection, lie about America first when clearly Trump is Israel first.
Americans please realize your congress men n women, senate members have betrayed u n your country for decades. They have allowed the Federal Reserve Rothschilds steal your money, use your money to make investments that enrich only themselves , use your treasury to launder child trafficking money , live organ harvest of childrens organs for israel.
In 2009 your congress senate ag president let the fed steal $9 trillion cash n another $40 trillion in undocumented loans. Your banks r not failing the rothschilds granted permission to steal all your deposits. Demanr All Rothschild's assets b seized immediately.
Trump is just removing all of israels competition so that israel jews will be the only entity running the child sex trafficking,human trafficking, organ harvesting n the like operations.
All comments in post r opinions , n alledgedly.
We r all in deep dodo. Ever wonder why all those who cull populations, poision ur food water air children, commit genocide n the like evil acts never get killed? This time the entire Rothchild, Rockefeller, Soros, Netanyahu n the like families r being removed n rewarded, the godly way.
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On a spiritual note, those who cast their vote for Donald J. Trump offended the Creator/Heavenly Father. For your vote told The Heavenly that you reject its rule, its commandments, its word n you no longer follow its way. In other words your vote told God aka The Heavenly Father/Creator u reject him.
Trump supports n those who aid the Creators enemy Israel becomes its enemy.. Furthermore, your vote says you are ok with evil n evil's rule over you. Yes, it is evil to kill, steal, lie, bomb hospitals, schools, torture n rape babies n children etc. In addition, Trump openly stole land belonging to Syria n its people n then gave it to israel. There's more, however your vote for Donald K Trump entitles you to suffer the same treatment, losses, crimes n brutality that israelis have inflicted on Palestinians, Lebanese, Sudanese n others.
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"No the military is Not the only way" We cringe every time we see a video title that states " the military is the only way" If you believe these communists that state such bunk, then America is already history.
Abolish your corporate government.
***Again we remind, Trump is disqualified from being the President of the United States of America, due to the fact Israel crowned him king of israel, gave him his crown after ceremony n Trump accepted. Honesty, Americans how can u allow such an evil event stand? Why are you Americans so willing to be slaves of the jews? Trump must denounce israel's kingship publicly n return the crown. Actually he should have declined kingship, n the crown before running for President of the United States of America.
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Eminent domain
The Constitution is clear, for Public Use, i.e. roads railroads, highways etc. mining for minerals isn't public use. Unfortunately, many judges r ignorant.
Declaration of Independence states zero Americans can stand trial in Washington DC, nor can and resident in Washington DC can sit on a jury of be a Judge This is covered under foreign courts.
The contents here in is our opinions n not to be taken as legal advice n or as advice.
We do advise that Americans start reading all documents that govern your everything before Schwab WEF n gang take your everything which they are close to achieving. In 2009 Obama via UN thru stakeholder Bolshevik BS, made women n girls property n 190 ish countries followed suit. Again we told u.
Trump put out a video in which he claims the Federal government owns 1/3 the land in America. Trump plans to imprison Americans in 15 min cities, Prisons. The US Constitution is clear with the 10-mile rule. For way to long Americans have allowed their government to do as they please.
2 of 6 all opinions n all alledgedly
3) As we had pointed out that FEMAs charter shows the Stakeholder/ Stakeholders is/are the entity they serve, not the disaster victims.
A) Stakeholder/Stakeholders can be anyone.
B) Stakeholder Stakeholders are usually connected, employed by the party interested in stealing the property in question.
B( FEMA lends taxpayers money back to the taxpayer, RICO violations
C) In our opinion , since we find that there isn't any authority granting FEMA to confiscate anyone goods, donations, belongings etc. Sue them and fill out a S95 form ( double check) form is for the listing of any losses damages due to government actions. ( we told everyone that lost money businesses ect during the covid tyranny, no one listened.
D) FEMA not that we could find, has any authority to construct barriers on personal properties. Seriously doubt they obtained building permits.
E) FEMA has no authority that we could find to refuse donations.
F)/Again FEMAs recent charter show FEMA is set up as an organized crime syndicate. Stakeholders play the extortion n fraud end of the business, corporate government plays the underboss n godfather, those stealing starving letting victims die, racketeering extortion the muscle.
E) Please start suing FEMA for wrongful death, stolen property, trespass, property damage building gates barriers on properties not owned by them.
Important things to remember 1 of 6
1) The courts in America r set up as trading companies n or trading post.
A) A Smart attorney, that understands this can win every case. If there r not any real courts well then.
B) Verify that the judge, is bonded along with any staff that is requires to have a bond.
2) Court just ruled the Federal government laws r the law of the land. The ruling is treasonous n displays an overthrow of the real law of the land, which is the US Constitution.
A) Although, many might be happy with this ruling regarding illegal immigrants Americans u cannot let this ruling stand. Why?
B) This unconstitutional ruling hands the Federal governments' rules, regulations laws supreme rule over states n strips states of their sovereignty
C) If Americans let this stand, then u can kiss your
Second Amendment goodbye.
** Disclaimer* This is based on the information given to use for our opinion. If the supreme clause ruling pertains to the US Constitution supremacy than that's a different situation. I simply didn't have time to pull the ruling verifying facts since our opinion was requested post hast. However, posting we r concerned about the Second Amendment.
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Palestinian n Arabic Americans
Yes, the recent aircraft sightings r a set-up so Washington DC Pentagon n Israeli demons can destroy Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Jordan, Well all the Arab countries. December 3rd date been mentioned
The NWO founding countries are UK ,Washington DC, CHINA, Australia n the welfare land of pure evil Israel.
YEP, CHINA BEEN promised rule over all countries in the east including Russia. So don't be surprised when China backstabs Russia. Then Israel backstabs China n starts their Chinese genocide.
Iran has done nothing to hurt anyone. Israel hates them, Trump received aprx $200Million in campaign donations from Israelis ( allegedly) . Israel brags about it.
Trump n his deceivers have no intention on peacefully stopping Israel's genocidal wars, which includes Lebanon n Ukraine. Lebanon should have never agreed to a ceasefire. Once Trump takes office maybe b4 US troops going fight ,destroy bomb into the Stone Age all the Arabic countries n Russia for the spawns of Satan, jews, land if pure evil Israel.
Trump allowed Israeli created,jew approved CDC FDA , deadly DNA specific covid19 bioweapons injections be injected into millions of Americans. Fauci received $1million bonus from Israel for his betrayal of Americans.
This was to b 2 post. Time is short
All alledgedly
Attn Palestinian n Arabic Americans
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Stop letting the Media, main stream n alt media, ei Pam Gallagher, label u,ur movement as pro Hamas.
These media players r setting all those trying to stop Israels genocide by deliberately labeling as terrorist supporters. Showing comfort to any terrorist group is enough to get Palestine protesters n supporters black sighted.
U have to sue now at lease b4 Trump takes office. Remember the media persons that mislabeled, deliberately defame can also be sued for being prejudice. Let's face it, many main stream n alt media players blame the Arabic people because Israel tells them what to do n say.
All u students that Israel had expelled from school, u must sue the school n the school board personally for their criminal actions.
Do nothing ,Israel n Washington DC demons will carry out their decades old plan, to exterminate every Arabic person in the Middle East n enslave your children.
The demonic Trump teams' new narrative is that Israel is Not occupying Gaza, nor any Arabic land because Israel owns any land that their evil stench touches. Paraphrase.
The Temple mound, where the spawns of Satan want to build their evil demonic baby raping Baal temple, is going to be destroyed, turned to dust by aliens. Yep tr3b triangular spacecraft which belong to Washington DC, pentagon, that have been spotted in DC n other locations have been deemed alien by those who own them.
Riots accross America.
MSN And Alt media report.
1( Palestinians r the rioters damaging, n creating terror.
2) Reporting news outlets know all the damage violence n terror from rioters r caused by Palestinianes because they hold up signs stating they r Palestinian.
Yes, Americans israelis truely believe u r that stupid.
During the blm summer of love riots we proved that the "white" blm protestors burning down buildings,looting n rioting were either Israeli citizens,some duel,n others were israelis in America for police training.
Before we posted our findings all buildings n businesses looted, burned to the ground were owned by jews, n israelis.These owners conspired, paid via donations to certian rioters to have their businesses destroyed to collect on insurance. All the high end stores were being hit.
The sad thing is after we published our findings blm started hitting the mom n pop shop without insurance.
Due to the fact those israeli souless demons n their supporters failed to convince Americans that israel has the right to genocide all Palestinians ,bomb Palestinians homes steal civilians land was israels right n their actions were r just plan B was activated.
Plan B, israelis ,jews, some actors dressed up like Palestinians, holding signs letting American know that the destructive rioters r Palestinians. Who could argue with all that proof written on signs.
Americans dont b fooled.. Israelis need ur support to massacare All the Palestinians n steal their land
Will we soon see the end of the controversial #CenterforCounteringDigitalHate? #Censorship #Tyranny

After being exposed for its unconstitutional censorship of Americans, the Center for Countering Digital Hate is now on the brink of complete collapse, leaving X and fighting for its existence as it faces…
www.naturalnews.comU Gov Noem r ordered to resign immediately n be charged accordingly.
Govenor Noem. U do not qualify, by law to hold any government position.
How dare u to make all non jews second class beings. Class action law suit needed.
. How dare u spread ur blasphemy. How dare u claim divine authority to declare the most evil non human beings to a favored status of the Creator. U Ms Noem r not the Creator, god nor divine. Jews especially israelis,israelite ( Canaan word for Baal worshipers, Saturn shown on Trumps coin, Baals home) Not the Creators aka Gods Chosen people, unless the god is Baal. How dare u exalt one class of people above others. You denying Americans rights to free speech disqualified u from any government office. Resign immediately. Your actions violate your oath of office n is treasonous.
Shall make no law that abridged free speech. If jews cannot live under the US constitution, bill of rights,declaration of independence they get equal rights to leave.
Usurping the US constitution, make law for one individual, or group is not permitted in America. Christian Noem u r fired. U owe all Americans endless apologizes. Non jews r Not second class. Non jews r The Heavenly Father's everything. Resign
Assassinate Evil
print send to Noem n other governor with copy of US 18 241
People unite. BTW my computer like 20 years old keys get stuck, always advise. Blessings
American Palestinians BDS, US 18 241,
Read declaration of independence bill of rights US Constitution, fight, get bad ass lawyers.
America cannot have second class citizens, nor can laws be passed to remove Constitutional, God given rights. Save America Abolish us government
U Gov Noem r ordered to resign immediately n be charged accordingly.
Govenor Noem. U do not qualify, by law to hold any government position.
How dare u to make all non jews second class beings. Class action law suit needed.
. How dare u spread ur blasphemy. How dare u claim divine authority to declare the most evil non human beings to a favored status of the Creator. U Ms Noem r not the Creator, god nor divine. Jews especially israelis,israelite ( Canaan word for Baal worshipers, Saturn shown on Trumps coin, Baals home) Not the Creators aka Gods Chosen people, unless the god is Baal. How dare u exalt one class of people above others. You denying Americans rights to free speech disqualified u from any government office. Resign immediately. Your actions violate your oath of office n is treasonous.
Shall make no law that abridged free speech. If jews cannot live under the US constitution, bill of rights,declaration of independence they get equal rights to leave.
Usurping the US constitution, make law for one individual, or group is not permitted in America. Christian Noem u r fired. U owe all Americans endless apologizes. Non jews r Not second class. Non jews r The Heavenly Father's everything. Resign
Assassinate Evil
print send to Noem n other governor with copy of US 18 241
People unite. BTW my computer like 20 years old keys get stuck, always advise. Blessings
Make peace with the Creator/Heavenly Father now.
Tree about to fall
Israel n DC ,The Creator coming 4 a visit
American Palestinians BDS, US 18 241,
Read declaration of independence bill of rights US Constitution, fight, get bad ass lawyers.
America cannot have second class citizens, nor can laws be passed to remove Constitutional, God given rights. Save America Abolish us government
The Lies,
American politicians lie so much they believe their own lies.
American people must love to be lied to conned n culled by their demon devil worshipping jew butt licking presidents,governors n the like.
Christine Nomn can eat vomit off the floor until jew parasites consume her.
announcing such blasphemous lies like those Baal worshipping pedophile cannibals, jews,israeli jews r gods chosen. No the are Baals chosen demons.
Going to keep this short. Americans u r an enormous disappointment. May the Heavenly Father shake u to your cores, now today until u see known live truth n until u take immediate action to abolish ur evil Baal serving jew overthrown government.
US 18 241 legal action to také against Trump, Nome Rubio,Desantis n the like for conspiring to deny your rights.
All laws that abridge free speech which includes hate speech, so called antisemitic speech
U Christians in America cant wait until they arrest u, u need to challenge all illegal unconstitutional laws denying ur free speech. if jews cannot live under the US constitution kick them out.
Trump going to relocated 8 millions cannibal baby raping israeli jews to America, move u out of ur homes n off ur property, give it to the jews.
Soon, Baal worship will be public forced attendance n your children will be sacrificed to the israelite,israeli jew god Baal
My dear Heavenly Father Creator we failed we cannot wake nor activate Americans. Sorry.
Beast that is n is not ,has arrived
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Americans abolish your government now today. Trump not going to let his son in laws investment in killing Palestinians, stealing their land n building on that stolen land, be a loss. No Trump will send American troops to kill unarmed Palestinian families so his son in law n daughter can get a return on their investment. Americans abolish your evil corrupt government now. Free the people of the world. For tomorrow there will no longer be America,nor countries of free men n woman only slaves n food for the jews Your children will be the jews sex,sodomy n rape toys
Again, will your property to us uf u have no one to will it to. The jews r coming to kill off all Americans in region 5,outsmart them. U have the right to shadow Fema agents, form committee's now get with ur sheriffs, have your committees watch all fema does.
In short jic we lost u. The final blows r coming. America will be section by the specific deadly disease given to that region. Americans will ve stuck in their regions,easier to cull the population blame it on fake diseases by jew run agencies in which non of the jew run legal agencies like department of justice will investigate let alone prosecute any wrong doings. No other county will doubt the jew lies regarding Americas tragic deadly disease ridden country that killed 90 percent of its population.
Trump brazenky oromised to rid America of all that speak truth about jews,coz the truth is hate n jews hate US Constitution,bilk of rights the truth