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Full Gospel Christian: Worship Leader: Husband: Shepherd and Gardener: 20 Year Air Force Veteran: Technologist: Toastmaster
Full Gospel Christian: Worship Leader: Husband: Shepherd and Gardener: 20 Year Air Force Veteran: Technologist: Toastmaster
Beside the Natural News site back-up IP address at, does anyone have a list of other sites that offer direct IP addressing? (no DNS or name servers used at access their sites)
When the Toronto Renewal broke out at the Airport Vineyard in January 1994, it took till October 1994 for a major conference/outreach beyond the church walls - no internet nor cell phones - mostly word of mouth and print messages. With the Asbury Revival, we are now literally days away from sports stadiums across the nation filled with repentant Christians and sinners being saved. What the devil gave us at the SB halftime show, the Lord will eclipse one thousand times over.
It's so dry in central Minnesota, even the weeds are dying. The combination of warm temps and winds 10-35 mph have a scorching effects on plants. I use an efficient drip system and still need to do some hand watering daily to keep plants from watering stress. This is the second year of this type of weather pattern.
Local food producer attack: The Lamb Shoppe of Cedar Mills, MN - a long-time family farm and personal friends - had a women from Ohio - Dorothy Bentley - stay overnight at their AirBnB. Dorothy's visit including walking around capturing video common to any typical farm scenes and turning it unto a scathing animal cruelty video - highly edited and almost professional in nature. Food producers take heed.
I'm really starting to understand Katanji Brown Jackson's view on not being able to define what is a woman.
The Holy Bible - the original fact checker
Did some lamb shots and ear tags. It was so cold that the serum froze in the syringes and the plastic ear tags wouldn’t deform enough to lock the two parts together. Problem solved with a heat gun - and that’s why we don’t have fire ants in Minnesota.
At the time of Christ, there were two sets of Laws. 1) The 613 laws of Moses taken from the Torah. Christ observed all laws that applied to Him - many laws didn't - He wasn't married, no children, not sick, not a criminal, not a soldier, not a high priest. etc. 2) The thousands of laws of the Scribes and Pharisees, many sourced from the Babylonian religions and Kabbalist practices. Christ frequently mocked these practitioners in his words and in parables. (Example: John 8:37-59)
"You can lead a person to evidence, but you can't make them think." I heard this quote from Doug Hagmann and I really like it.
Our winters require us to use setouts in the garden. We've been growing setouts now for 20+ years using the same method. It works, but it's not the cheapest nor most efficient.. We plant setouts January to March. The plants thrive under the hanging lights and move out to a hoop house by April 1st. Our goal is to produce 40-75 standard trays of of setouts which we use in our gardens and occasionally sell to pay for our materials. Here's the construction details:
If you're on Telegram, there's dozens of videos posted daily of vaccine protesters worldwide. Do a search for the "Insider Amigo" channel and join it.
My old country farmhouse has an acre of grass full of dandelions, plantain, chickweed, common mallow, purslane, and lamb's quarters along with various grasses. At one point, I considered treating the lawn with a commercial broad leaf killer and fertilizer. Luckily, we scheduled a herbalist to do a herb walk showing the gathered friends all the food and medicinal plants growing in my lawn. My lawn still doesn't look like a golf green, but I feel like I'm walking on a carpet worth big bucks.
@farm_dude My yard doesn’t have grass, it’s just sandy loam but I have dear, wild boars, even a wolf and a multitude of trees. I have a pond where I watch herons, both white and blue, kingfishers, ducks, and catch both bass and catfish. I live way out in the country. I’ve grown to love the nature surrounding me and it’s really hard for me to go into cities like Dallas because of the concrete and crowds. Give me natural any day. Your yard sounds very nice to me. Thanks for sharing.
Where's the hutzpah Americans? Who is standing up for truth? BJ threw out the mandates in England. France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Australia and Canada are holding massive protests against the jab. Not even Fox news is showing the 50k+ truckers surging into Ottawa protesting vaccine mandates.. John Wayne is rolling over in his grave. We need somebody with true grit. Not Trump, the sell-out, still pushing vaccines.
My old country farmhouse has an acre of grass full of dandelions, plantain, chickweed, common mallow, purslane, and lamb's quarters along with various grasses. At one point, I considered treating the lawn with a commercial broad leaf killer and fertilizer. Luckily, we scheduled a herbalist to do a herb walk showing the gathered friends all the food and medicinal plants growing in my lawn. My lawn still doesn't look like a golf green, but I feel like I'm walking on a carpet worth big bucks.
@farm_dude My yard doesn’t have grass, it’s just sandy loam but I have dear, wild boars, even a wolf and a multitude of trees. I have a pond where I watch herons, both white and blue, kingfishers, ducks, and catch both bass and catfish. I live way out in the country. I’ve grown to love the nature surrounding me and it’s really hard for me to go into cities like Dallas because of the concrete and crowds. Give me natural any day. Your yard sounds very nice to me. Thanks for sharing.
We need to start reading the Bible literally rather than reading it traditionally. We won't have the church, a bride without spot or wrinkle, until the paganism is removed and the church flows with power tempered by love.
You've probably heard Mike Adams stories on alkaline hydrolysis - reducing dead bodies to liquid with lye. Here's more info on death options.

Most of us will keep polluting post-mortem.
getpocket.comLife without Jesus is hell.
Pro-life website, Life Site News, is now banned on YouTube. You may have noticed that FB is banning bible verses as well. As Christians, we are in the biblical end times when Jesus said, "And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake." Matt 10:22

Hundreds of thousands of subscribers to LifeSiteNews will no longer be watching videos that question abortion, because they’re not allowed to.
www.lifesitenews.comThis document is a hot item - overturning Wisconsin's election results. It's unclear to me if it is awaiting a decision or it's already signed.

MOTION to Amend/Correct Docket # 2: PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR DECLARATORY, EMERGENCY, AND PERMANENT INJUNCTIVE RELIEF by All Plaintiffs. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Dean, Michael)