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ECONOMY | Biden’s Economic Hangover Is Hitting HARD—The Next 6 Months Could Be ROUGH - Dr. Kirk Elliott
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@Brighteon ~ 4 years of insane woke policies and syphoning billions from American taxpayers will do that. Just like what is still happening in communist controlled Canada.
U.S. taxpayers funded $6.2 billion in #weightlossdrug research, but #BigPharma charges Americans 11x more than other countries. Meanwhile, these "miracle cures" come with dangerous side effects. When will the exploitation end? #HealthcareCrisis #GLP1Drugs

• U.S. taxpayers funded $6.2 billion in research and development for GLP-1 weight-loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy. • Big Pharma charges Americans up to 11 times more for these drugs compared to other… ~ Taxpayers should get their share of the profits for this poison then.
Keto Youtube Doctors are now getting it!
These globalist are directly attacking foods that are essential for ketogenics, because they don't want humans to all start getting healthy and put their dollars elsewhere other than the sick care of the Medical Industrial Complex!
Fluoride calcifies human bones and the pineal gland in your brain, lowering IQ, driving dementia, kidney and gall stones, brittle bones, cancer and early death #FluorideKills

Sodium fluoride is added to over 75% of U.S. municipal tap water and most commercial toothpaste, promoted by government agencies and dentists for cavity prevention and dental health. Fluoride is a toxic… ~ Generations of calcified pineal gland victims makes obedient, unquestioning slaves. One of the many ways were poisoned and dumbed down.
imagine that, they want to reduce waste, fraud and abuse. BUT they want to choose and pick so it doesn't hit the programs THEY do their laundering though.

FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi in 2010: “We cannot keep our promises on Medicare we simply must cut the waste, fraud and abuse.” ~ Nancy would look great in orange.
WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025

A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 - and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on…
The People's Voice~ The vaxed can be turned off instantly or left to develop turbo cancer, artery clogging rubber like clots or a multitude of other illnesses & complications through different frequencies, thanks to the graphene oxide (among other nasties) they try to deny is in the poison vax. I have been using the term vaccine holocaust for a while now for these reasons and people have already been dropping like flies for the last few years. Also notice how many MSM stories are about robots in 2025. Obviously this isn't a coincidence, but a well orchestrated, evil attack.
VAXXED III - Authorized to Kill (2024) - COVID Vaccine Documentary
Why aren't these hospital administrators up before Congress? It's obvious that these people died from their neglect.& criminal activity.
The three step death protocols they followed resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars for the the hospitals per malpractice death. Remdesivir, ventilator, body bag. Government sponsored murder, all involved are complicit.
Anti-Musk Protester Admits “Getting Paid” To Protest As DOGE Focuses On ActBlue, Soros-Funded NGOs #HeadlineOpitics #Oklahoma #OklahomaDigest
~ This is all part of the psyop that supports the fake narratives that the fake news then reports on. BLM, Antifa etc, have all been funded by anti human globalists like Soros who also owns the justice system to ensure quick release if they are ever arrested. Then they can go straight back to work at the next protest that wouldn't exist if not for paid bad actors.
The Feds never had a “spending problem”. That was a psyop. They always had a “stealing problem”.
Join: @davidavocadowolfe
At 157 the perp is probably still enroute home.
I just took this image of the Moon. Getting ready for Friday Morning's Total Lunar Eclipse.
That's what these psycho's do, anybody who threatens fake narratives must be silenced one way or another. They can't always rely on character assassination's and blackmail. Like after Dr. Kary Mullis spoke about his PCR test not being able to detect viruses and should not be used for that & saying Fraudci "didn't know anything about anything" he conveniently died just in time to launch a plandemic using the the late Dr's PCR test.
His wife said in an interview that he was not in the best of health to begin with when it happened, that PCR had advanced considerably since those interviews, and that they were both on good terms with Fauci.
She was "upset" about the "conspiracy theory" and denied that he was "unalived".
IOW - they got to her.
A PCR test is still a fraud. To have a test or a cure for something, there must be a purified isolate. Despite freedom of information requests world wide this cannot be provided to this day. The Doctors death could just be coincidence but the list of dead Doctors that speak out is quite shocking. Like the dead presidents club for those that would not go along with covid craziness and were miraculously replaced by pro death shot and lockdown madness leaders.
Again, a 'virus of the day' diagnosed with a fake test to advance evil agendas.
@johnburke The test is real, it’s just adjustable in order to get whatever results you want.
~ The same masters can command good and evil they just have to adjust the dosages depending on which smiley face is pretending to be in charge. Dementia Joe could do all the bad stuff because he was never popular to begin with. Things are definitely going in the right direction in the U.S. now but it isn't ALL good. Eyes wide open, psyops galore playing out in real time.
@Patriot_PDkhov And yet God also said, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caeser's and God the things that are God's."
@Dotconnector Biden’s puppet masters were and still are evil. None of them served God. And God never commands evil on anyone, only discipline.
You either serve God, or the god of this world. Throughout the biden presidency God exposed who served who. It needed to happen.
New York’s Second Circuit Court ruled that state law requiring vaccinations for Amish students does NOT violate the constitutional rights of parents or their children*
*These were Amish community schools — not public schools
Bring it to SCOTUS.
Wow…but democracy! cries the nazi democrat ruled state! F*ck the democrats!
@Patriot_PDkhov. They’ll just homeschool them.
@Pa triot_PDkhov
New York and the Ukraine are major corruption strongholds controlled by the same evil and must be dismantled.
How convenient
@Ronan_One She was alive and talking to people after the crash while in the water and somehow ended up dead. If I remember correctly that crash happened the day after BHO made that fake birth certificate public. Now THAT’S a coincidence!
That's what these psycho's do, anybody who threatens fake narratives must be silenced one way or another. They can't always rely on character assassination's and blackmail. Like after Dr. Kary Mullis spoke about his PCR test not being able to detect viruses and should not be used for that & saying Fraudci "didn't know anything about anything" he conveniently died just in time to launch a plandemic using the the late Dr's PCR test.
Two independent labs tested the
MMR vaccine; found 25x higher levels of glyphosate in them than the other childhood vaccines.

Scientists say Moms Across America glyphosate-vaccine study methods don't reveal anything about herbicide.
Genetic Literacy ProjectThe writer of Anne Franks Diaries was Meyer Levine. (Proof)
Forensic evidence proved that the writing in Anne Frank's Diaries was done in ball point pen, which was not available to everyone or all countries before 1951 or in Germany. In addition, it turns out that none of the handwriting, the ones that were published as Anne Frank's Diary, did not match known Anne Frank's handwriting samples. She fled with other Germans from Auschwitz, and died from Typhoid in 1945. The diary was written by Meyer Levine, who sued her father for being the original author and won $50,000. Yet, another example of the lies perpetuated of the war and horrors by the German. I guess more will come to light in the foreseeable future.
Most of our carefully scripted history does not line up with actual facts and archeological evidence. Unfortunately, the smoking gun archeology evidence is hidden from us by corrupt institutions controlled by funding threats, like the Smithsonian institute hiding all those giants, among many other things.
@Lancelot All you have to do is what Ancient Aliens and you'll realize the extent of bull we've been handed as history.
@Ronan_One Certainly.
@Ronan_One I recently shared a video of heavy rainfall in south America which I got from Telegram on Fakebook. They flagged it saying it was copywrited by some company I never heard of (nor was linked in any way to the Telegram channel). Fakebook slapped that company's label on the video and would not allow me to post it until I agreed to have the company name on it. I ended up deleting the video. The whole process looked extremely fishy to me.
They, and many others are ALL complicit in crimes against humanity and the reason I ditched FAKEBOOK in 2020.
Nobody is supposed to notice that fact with all the simultaneous theater going on. Put your masks back on, lol.
@Ronan_One They better start arresting people soon or the Trump nostalgia will begin to fade.