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Targeting and #disarming unvaccinated Americans makes it easier to put them in #InternmentCamps

The Biden regime desperately wants to put the “unvaccinated” on a “no fly list” — permanently segregating tens of millions of innocent Americans from air travel. The tyranny doesn’t end there. Once Americans… cannot protect against the problems caused by vaccines, the medical system and the government

Something terrifying is happening in Australia. Officers of the law are dutifully carrying out the plans of the globalists and enforcing insidious rules that violate the very people they are supposed to…
newstarget.comCCP Joe's maternity flight suits is insane. 2 key points on this: A) Potential murder of unborn child if the pilot's plane crashes or she becomes a POW subject to torture. B) This is another attack on virtuous women. According to The Bible, a woman's place is in the home as wife & mother. Study Biblical history; women were NEVER part of the military. The fake MSM/Hollywood crowd promotes Captain Marvel/Wonder Woman as a Satanic attack on God's order: MEN must lead!
It's cold outside the heat is running and makes the air really dry
A humidifier would help
Since I don't have one I let some water simmer and added cinnamon
I would have liked to send you the pleasant aroma that's in the air
In bizarre interview, #Biden jokes he would ‘fake illness and resign’ over disagreement #election #fakeillness

Joe Biden may have just said the quiet part out loud. (Article by Tyler Durden republished from During a Thursday CNN interview with Kamala Harris, Biden was asked about his relationship…
newstarget.comAre parents really signing their kids up to trial a rushed vaccine?

Moderna has announced that it will start testing its COVID-19 vaccine in children in a large, late-stage trial. The U.S. National Library of Medicine’s registry indicates that the study will include 3,000… Governor Deems Grocery Stores Non-Essential!?
Covering our faces in fear is shameful. If we do not lead, we will be led. If we comply, we will be conquered. If we hide, we will be buried without a funeral. If we cower in fear from a virus, we are all lepers to be banished. If we do not act like grown-ups, our children will be taken from us. DO NOT COMPLY...
" If there is Rescue From Above, isn’t it possible the Rescue is waiting to see, first, whether we show the courage that signals we will use that help?"
Dear President Trump,
The American people appreciate your unwillingness to involve us in foreign wars. However, those foreign enemy have infiltrated and joined forces with traitors within this country. You must ACT NOW. Far more people will die on American soil than would have died in foreign wars if we do not defend ourselves against their naked tyranny and proposed plans. 80 million+ people voted for you to lead us thru this, knowing this would be hard. The time to fight is now.
From my unmaintained website written about 2010 Regarding FOOD WARS, reiterating what Ice Age Farmer Video just showed. The culling of food is not about illness of a swine, influenza for a big, bird, horse still edible & will recover, it's about reducing the food supply
In 2008, 180 countries declared that their citizens have a fundamental right to food. Only one country voted against this rudimentary right. Can you guess which country that was? There…
www.natural-health-home-remedies.comAre you folks still going to get this vaccine, I certainly hope that you won't!!!
Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
“The Church makes much of Baptism, but in all of Paul's epistles Baptism is only mentioned or referred to thirteen times, while the return of the Lord is mentioned fifty times.
This certainly shows which he considered the most important”
Heavenly Father, I pray, in Jesus' name, that you'll show who the REAL God is! You know that Satan is using many of his blind slaves to push his evil agenda, including taking little children & doing horrible things to them in dark places. You warned those who offend these little ones that it were better a millstone be hanged on their neck & they be drowned in the sea. These are the same ones seeking to carry out a coup against President Trump! Lord PLEASE STOP THEM! In Jesus' name, Amen!
Commie Devilcrat Governors & Mayors now telling citizens to "Stay home... Stop having guests over... Cancel traditional Thanksgiving plans." The Mayor of DC says they'll SHUT DOWN the city on Saturday. Why? Because the TRUMP TRAIN IS COMING, FULL STEAM AHEAD! You know what? Americans need to tell these criminals: SHOVE IT UP YOUR GLOBALIST MOUTH! That's right, MOUTH! Because their mouth is Satan's anus, crapping out all of his filthy lies & deception! GET THEE BEHIND US SATAN'S BEHIND!