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School board member tells grads to remember "jihad" in a world full of "white supremacy."
So she is calling to remove Biden, Nancy, Hillary, Fauci, Gates & others??

The majority-immigrant group of students graduating from Justice High School in Falls Church, Virginia, were told to remember their "jihad" and avoid objectivity and neutrality. disgusting.
Cryptocurrency system using body activity data. PATENT #markofthebeast
Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively… hmmm...
Mystery shaking felt, boom heard across San Diego County for third time in 2021

For the third time since February, a mysterious "skyquake" rattled San Diego County and Tijuana; authorities say it wasn't an earthquake we had an unexplained boom in South Florida last week in the middle of the day. Still have no idea what it was but even our dog jumped to attention.
Two guesses - bolides exploding in the upper atmosphere or some new weapon based on advanced principles being used in a clandestine test (or war.)
Situation Update, June 8th, 2021 - Why a covid vaccine death wave will hit Democrats TWICE as hard as Republicans.
Based on current vaccine uptake data, for every 1 GOP member who dies from the vaccine, 2 Democrats will die from the vaccine. (We are trying to prevent ALL these deaths...)
From ICAN. PDF compilation of the new emails:
Oh great, homeless liberals packing machetes and surrounding city hall. Welcome to Austin, Texas, where liberal revolutionaries can't wait to attempt to overthrow the entire state with their commie "enforcers" who have walkie talkies, too.
These lunatics are in for a surprise when they meet Texas law enforcement from rural areas... lol.

A new CHAZ-like tent city has sprung up at Austin City Hall in Texas, and city councilwoman Mackenzie Kelly wants it to be removed. According to reports, a group of locals has set up shop outside the… pack em up and send them to NY
@HealthRanger This type doesn't go much outside of cities where they can get all the attention and city "services". Rural should stop shipping food to cities.
@HealthRanger only got to listen to about 20 minutes of the podcast, but about 10 minutes in you had me cracking up laughing! It's good to hear you cracking jokes again. I was worried about you the other day. Even though the information you present is very dire, if we don't keep some sense of humor about it we might as well just call it quits now! Thanks again for keeping us informed and somewhat sane.
JUST POSTED: Natural News statement on vaccine refusal, freedom of choice, due process and human rights

From Mike Adams, the editor of Natural News: We believe in the principles of human rights and freedom of choice when it comes to any medical intervention, regardless of their risks or benefits. This… These Indian villagers jumped into river to escape gov't mandate health dept armed with jab.
I can't bear it. My rock solid college age daughter went behind my back& got a 1st Moderna shot. I'm still in shock. It's different when it's your kid, I have crying spells every day now my heart hurts so bad. I don't know a single person not vaxxed except other daughter. Parents - no matter age your kids keep drilling the facts, I wish no one feel this pain I do.
@Fabulous they are smart. They know the Truth. So sad that this happened.
JUST IN - ProtonMail users are outraged as the email service has reportedly started using Google's reCAPTCHA to "secure" logins, but potentially compromising users' identities in the process.
@ZGoldenReport uh oh. Hmm...
would my use of a vpn remove that risk?
@ZGoldenReport @FiddlefartN -- No, a VPN won't help you in this case.
Hmm... military couple. Both doctors. House was burglarized the week before. A week later someone returns and kills them. Nothing fishy about that tho.
WATCH THIS "Just Say No" anti-vaccine rap song before they ban it! (And feel free to post it to Brighteon...)
Full details of the new FALSE FLAG threat against anti-vaxxers and gun owners: EXCLUSIVE: Deep state planning false flag attack in order to blame “anti-vaxxers” and gun owners

Yesterday was a bizarre day at Natural News, where after I published an article calling for Nuremberg-style prosecutions of vaccine researchers who use human children for medical experiments, I received… Mike, it's easy to block your number when calling, that feature/option is on every cell phone. It's great to stay alert of potential False Flags, but don't let them steal your joy. Agree with your logic that if they continue to push so-called vax, then that becomes the top reason to avoid the vax...biomedical science knows natural immunity is superior to artificial, and if the vax works for you...great...why do you care whether I get it?...bizarre. THANKS 4 ALL U DO, U R LUV'D!
@HealthRanger Never forget, though, that no one is factoring in the most important thing of all: GOD. He is in control of everything, and He is able to act in ways beyond anything we can think of, in a flash. The best-laid plans of mice and men often GO ASTRAY.
We have a lot of products discounted for our Memorial Day special, and we just put something like 1,000+ Ranger Buckets back in stock (certified organic, lab tested storable food). See details and help support our mission at:

Stock up on your favorite immune-supporting superfoods, workout supplements, preparedness items and more at the Health Ranger Store’s Memorial Day Event. We're also offering limited quantities of our Ranger… Got my few things sprouts, chaga mushrooms, & Tumeric Gold
& free gift!
@HealthRanger yep! That's my Florida governor! A lion not a sheep!
Yesterday I was warned of an imminent FALSE FLAG EVENT that will be engineered to blame "anti-vaxxers" and gun owners. Folks, I think the deep state is planning on staging a really bloody attack on innocent people in health care, so they can blame it on "anti-vax" rhetoric, and then move to CRIMINALIZE all anti-vax online speech:
Situation Update, May 28th, 2021 - Vaccine deep state issues DIRECT THREAT to Natural News and the Health Ranger
@HealthRanger Would not surprise me now everything is making sense. They threatened mercola, they are going after people like rfk jr, bollingers, del bigtree, yourself and the real medicine people. January 6 I hate to beat a dead horse was the trap to kill opposition to the state in the us version of the reischtag and we are seeing the full results.
@HealthRanger They may be ridiculously childish and lacking in common sense, but unfortunately, that is coupled with a diabolical genius for EVIL Destruction. Dumb + Demon=Death.
Coming up in tomorrow's Situation Update podcast, truly shocking details of how myself and Natural News are being directly THREATENED by the vaccine deep state. They are now threatening to seize the domain name unless we self-censor on certain topics... censorship is now happening at the domain level... medical tyranny on hyperdrive....
After being threatened by the vaccine deep state, we have now republished this shocking story about the FDA documents that reveal 86% of children suffered adverse reactions during a Pfizer covid vaccine trial. The FDA reviewed all the injuries and then decided it's perfectly safe for children anyway!

A publicly-available FDA "fact sheet" document reveals that 86% of children who participated in a Pfizer covid vaccine trial reported adverse reactions ranging from "mild" to "serious." As part of the… Thank you. I found this on CDC website earlier. Reports of major heart conditions yet still go get vaxxed asap for the kids.
@HealthRanger This is nothing but PURE EVIL and child sacrifice to their god Satan! And they are getting super rich pushing these death and disease shots onto everyone!
@HealthRanger say this several times a day to St. Michael:
Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in Battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I received a warning today from inside the federal government. Will cover in detail in tomorrow's Situation Update podcast. These people are playing for keeps. You have no idea the level of resources they have committed to push vaccine propaganda and silence vaccine skeptics... And they are capable of ANYTHING...
Earlier this morning, Natural News published an article calling for Nuremberg-style trials for researchers who use human children for medical experiments.
The article called for court hearings, prosecutions and punishments against those carrying out these crimes against humanity.
Sadly, the article as misconstrued as calling for violence, when its primary goal was to HALT violence against the innocent.
Full apology:

Earlier this morning, Natural News published an article calling for Nuremberg-style trials for researchers who use human children for medical experiments. The article called for court hearings, prosecutions…
www.naturalnews.comI'm doing a full podcast and article based on this StateOfTheNation article, PROVING the vaccine is spreading the coronavirus. As I've warned all along, the vaccines are the pandemic, and they are injecting people with deadly spike proteins, which are biological weapons engineered to kill anyone stupid enough to take the vaccine:
@HealthRanger how can you stay away from those vaccinated? Unless you live in middle of nowhere, there is no way to avoid this. We must not be fearful. Instead stay as healthy as possible. This information is good to have, but if it makes one panic, stressed or spirals you down to depression/anxiety, it is not helpful. Solutions to keep one safe need to be provided.
@HealthRanger yep, eventually you are going to run into the vaccinated. When i visit my family, (aside from not going in their house) I try not to touch things they have touched (as they took the vax). Imagine how difficult this is going to be with strangers? You have no idea who is vaxxed and who isn't.
@HealthRanger Please get this info to Donald J Trump and his family so that they stop pushing the covid shots.
If they still do it after becoming educated on the subject, that will prove they are shills for the New World Order and the globalist cabal for depopulation.
MUST SEE! I actually recorded the robot voice for this meme... powerful!
CDC vaccine enforcement robots ripped right out of "Elysium"
@HealthRanger hilarious video!!
@HealthRanger made me laugh so hard. I needed a good laugh... thanks Mike!
Sorry to report this, but now there's no longer any doubt. Trump is all-in with the vax industry, which is a biological weapons death cult targeting humanity. There's no other conclusion:
Trump doubles down on pro-vaccine stance, claims credit for rushing vaccines into widespread adoption despite risks

Despite thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of serious injuries, Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines remain Donald Trump's proudest accomplishment. Calling his "Operation Warp Speed" mass…