Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
As the saying goes, they have lost their minds; we know hope exists for some who are still in the fight; but the majority of this liberal administration appear to be lunatics; for, it is through their words and deeds, they demonstrate that they have already capitulated and turned their hearts, minds, and souls over to Lucifer.
Gone are the good old days; gone are the days of our past; gone are the days of our youth; these are crazy lies that lead to doubt; the days of common sense may be gone for some, but those who stand, live, and walk in the WORD of YHWH shall never lose their heritage.
Hold tight; stay in covenant with YHWH EL ELYON; reject the lies and the false gods of these greedy, lustful, crazy men; hold tight, oh people, hold tight.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray for a return of common sense to the political world and leaders of our nation. Father, we thank YOU for protecting our heritage and inheritance YOU have promised. Lord, we pray against the denial of objective truth in our society and ask that YOU turn people’s eyes back to YOU and establish YOUR truth in America once again. And Lord Father God, we declare in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved! Amen.