Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
Over and over again the propaganda machine of the left says, J6 was an attack, an insurrection against democracy; they highlighted and villainized those who enter the capitol; it was such a well-designed set-up that it continues to be included in the daily script of deceit and lies.
The “Let Us Worship” movement, gathered a few musicians together, entered the capitol, and brought revival with praise and worship. Happening only 2 days ago, this is yet, to be mentioned in fake-news script; how ironic!
A Mighty Wind carrying the Sound of Truth blows across the land; hear, know, and stay in the Word of YHWH EL ELYON.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for sending leaders like Sean Feucht, who is the founder of the “Let Us Worship” movement. Lord, we ask and pray that YOUR Holy Spirit continue to cover him and those with him as they bring sounds of praise and revival throughout the land. Father, we pray for the shot-callers of the MSM to be touched by Holy Spirit; redirect their journalistic talents and gifts; give them the heart to honor YOU, YOUR WORD, and the Savior Jesus Christ, above all other stories. And LORD GOD, we declare, in the name of Jesus, America, shall be saved. AMEN!