Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
No more; the people have had their fill; Holy Spirit is replacing complacency with activism; courageously speaking out against the deceit, immorality, hatred, and tyranny of the left, people boldly proclaim the GOOD NEWS.
When you grow weary of the deceit, the lies, and the darkness of hatred, take a look in the opposite direction; a deep, genuine, discerning look. “Just One Look;” this is all it takes to see, feel, and experience the Truth and Love of the Father.
Holy Spirit reveals the GOOD NEWS to one heart, one mind, one body, one soul at a time; those who chose to step out of darkness and into the Light, and into the Word of YHWH EL ELYON, will find His Love, Truth; and Salvation.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we ask that YOU cause YOUR People to rise up against every plan that is against YOUR WORD. Let YOUR HOLY SPIRIT bring Truth and YOUR Love to all people. Father, we pray for a move of HOLY SPIRIT to bring repentance and a change of heart to those who have turned from YOUR Way; we ask that their hearts be filled with the joy and knowledge of YOUR SON, JESUS CHRIST. Father God, we continue to cry out and declare, in the name of Jesus Christ, America, shall be saved. Amen.