Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
Intent on self-gratification; consumed with a desire and lust for power; emboldened by their scot-free 2o2o theft; this current regime has been spreading foulness with each passing day; their words and deeds are indeed detestable.
They speak one lie after the next; for they have grown immune to the Truth. Morality is non-existent in these Bidenites; they would have the entire world burn rather than face the TRUTH. Woe!
Hold tight; stay in the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; with all your heart, mind, body, and soul, stay in HIS WORD; hold tight.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we ask that YOU would replace all elected officials and governmental appointees who seek to cripple or overthrow our nation with God-fearing leaders; men and women who walk in integrity, wisdom, and honor, in Jesus name. Lord, we pray for Holy Spirit to continue exposing all activities that may have broken laws; especially those activities revolving around this Bidenite regime and family. Father, we plead the blood of Jesus over the economy of the United States and the world; we pray that YOU would protect our economy, our money, and prevent bank failures from sweeping across the entire nation. LORD God, we pray for a restoration of our covenant roots with YOU and we declare, in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved. AMEN!