Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
A boastful man often hears only his own voice; using singular and possessive pronouns, he loses the ear of the people; many grow weary hearing, “Me, me, me… look what I did… only I can… or this would not happen on my watch.”
This is not so for the one who walks in the Light, who lives in the Word, whose heart has been filled by and with Holy Spirit; for, the one who seeks a loving relationship with YHWH speaks saying, “you, yours, us and our.”
The people long for leaders who fear and walk in the Way of YHWH EL ELEON; those who find happiness in a True relationship and have True Love for the Father, shall walk in True leadership, serving the Almighty, Eternal God and His People.