Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
All has been foretold; doubt not the WORD of the LORD; the adversary, AKA the prince of darkness, knows well the WORD of the LORD all too well; in his quest to subdue the people, Satan is relentlessly at work, trying to deprive the people of the WORD.
Let there be no mystery as to why the scamdemic was forced upon the world; why the people were told to mask and segregate themselves; why churches were forced to closed; even today, there is a fire burning, threatening to take down the prophetic house.
Rise up oh people and stand in the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; reject the world of darkness; reject a world void of the WORD; stand firm; hold tight; live and walk in the LIGHT a WORLD.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray to YOU and ask that YOU break off the spiritual bondage and moral decay now being experienced in America. Lord we ask that our civic leaders and legislators are touched by the Fire of Holy Spirit; giving them the courage to author and pass biblical legislation; legislation according to YOUR WORD and Will; especially legislation against the abominations of transgenderism and abortion. Father, we pray that YOUR Holy Spirit change the hearts of all leaders; giving each the understanding of what it means to be a bondservant in the service of Christ. And Lord Father, we declare, in the name of Jesus, America, shall be saved. AMEN!