"It isn't the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it's the troubles that create the rebels."
Here's how Kamala's price controls will REALLY work: Prices will be very affordable on items that don't exist because nobody can manufacture them without going broke. At the same time, prices will be very high on items you can buy in the black market, because black market food distribution is not as economically efficient as grocery store retail operations. So you'll end up paying MORE for any food you actually get, or STARVING while waiting for food to show up at government "controlled" prices. Food price controls are full-blown communism, and this is what's coming to America if we don't defeat the commie-crats (Democrats).
@HealthRanger @Thyme1967 How about NONE of them? We are supposed to have no fellowship with darkness...not vote for it!!
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11
I know that you think I am picking on you, but I am not. I just am trying to help you to understand that none of them are going to help us. The whole system is corrupt!
We have to opt out! Voting in a corrupt election is basically saying that you agree with it.
I know that, God as my witness, I am not going to be responsible for voting for evil. And Trump is just as bad, if people will just do some research instead of listening to what he says.