I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
@cmm This is extremely mind blowing! I have known for a while how important seed collection is but nano food tracking is certainly a very evil thing that i was not aware of. It all makes sense how the gates and soros and Chinese and other technocrats are Satan's pawns doing his work light seemingly light speed buying up all the land and putting farmers out of business as to control the worlds food supply! It's the New World Order Beast system for sure to use the mark of the beast to control..