I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
I had a dream that terrified me About 2 months ago! In this dream i was outside on a clear sunny day and literally out of the blue, swarms of these little demonic assasination robot flies filled the skies like a swarm of locusts and were attacking people. Does this mean something. I would say YES.! I don't dream very much. This is not just a coincidence. Had no idea these little things actually existed! Last year i had 2 dreams.. one of a lion, the other of a python attacking us