I am a Son of God, a U.S. of A. Patriot and USCG Veteran, a Loving Husband, Son, Father, Grandfather Uncle & Nieghbor....I am Truth Seeker who believes in the word of God and our constitutional rights and our freedoms and i will fight and gladly give my life to defend all of these sacred things against any enemy anytime/anywhere to retain all of them...
Brothers and sisters ponder a moment upon the life of this blessed woman who had endured so much generationally imposed darkness forced upon her as a child and give praise our Great Redeeming Almighty Father who raised her up from the bondage she was in saving her from the wicked seed of Cane that she was born into! Her testimony of deliverance and complete trust in our Lord Jesus should make us who have not suffered her same plight feel very blessed and fortunate