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Patriot, Lover of Country, New to Brighteon Social
Patriot, Lover of Country, New to Brighteon Social
Elon Musk has not kept his word to reinstate accounts that were censored by the left-wing zealots that ran Twitter for years. Not only are links still BANNED from Twitter, but my own account (@HealthRanger) remains banned, along with the accounts of many other people like Alex Jones.
Elon isn't keeping his word. And now people like Matt Taibbi are dumping Twitter and moving to substack. I don't blame them. Substack is rapidly going to REPLACE Twitter, as Twitter is hopefully mired in the cult of authoritarianism and censorship.
Musk is a fraud, and it goes with the theme of most things today. Are you setting up testing in your lab for nanotechnology in food, or mRNA? The WHO whistleblower that was just on Stew Peters said the shots don’t have mRNA, and 100% synthetic . More confusing stuff, and would love to hear your take on it all.
By the way, your own social media site is all we need. Twitter/facef¥(k and all those other platforms suck. “Sustainability” and woke go hand in hand from how I see it. Just do your thing and the good people will come.
@HealthRanger In the very least, though, hopefully some more blockheads will have awakened to what's really been going on.
@HealthRanger not only has he not kept his word, he convinced conservatives to pay him a monthly fee! What a joke.
FOURTH objects shot down over U.S. skies, this one octagon-shaped (video)
MUST-SEE video: Plandemic management was carried out by the Dept. of Defense - it's a MILITARY program (video)
@HealthRanger Senator Diana Lovanovici, Romania, directly calling out the use of HAARP to cause the Turkish Earthquakes, as a punishment.

“Senator Diana Lovanovici, Romania, directly calling out the use of HAARP to cause the Turkish Earthquakes, as a punishment. The world is so crazy right now, that geoweapons will be a thing, and something… How is this not all over Independent Media??????
@HealthRanger I tried to share this on Twitter and send them a request to allow these important posts. They still have censorship ban ! I don’t understand
ODD REQUEST: I am looking to acquire high-end equipment for imaging astrological masses and events. If you know of any expert who knows about how to acquire such equipment with automatic tracking of motions of moon, planets, stars, open sky, etc., using digital imaging with super long exposure times, please email us at - thank you in advance
I sent someone that may be able to help. He may reach out. His name is Erik and studies this kind of thing @HealthRanger
@HealthRanger, you are also going to need infrared.
Contact Mondo Gonzales at Prophecy Watchers - they are investing in similar equipment. and go to the contacts tab.
My new audio book, "Ghost World" is now LIVE and available for a full DOWNLOAD, completely free. Get the mp3 audio files, plus printable PDF transcript at:
These are the demons in charge of your health around the world... can you say POSSESSED?
@HealthRanger Monsters!
@HealthRanger The EYES are the windows to the soul. One look at the eyes of these bugs parading around in the Edgar suits shows they are NOT human any longer. The utter and complete DARKNESS of their eyes speaks volumes. They cannot hide their true nature because the EYES reveal all. All that's left is for them to shed their human disguise and reveal their true abominable demoniac form.
@HealthRanger they look like aliens in human bodies
Peter Hotez (@PeterHotez on twitter) says all anti-vaxxers should be deemed terrorists and raided with armed anti-terrorism, government forces, essentially. He claims vaccine skepticism is "anti-vax aggression" and says anti-science people are just as dangerous as nuclear terrorism. He demands a "counteroffensive" to raid (and presumably) kill all anti-vaxxers. And he gets this all published in NATURE, the fake science journal that protects Big Pharma.
@HealthRanger In ancient Japan, his head would be off by now. Japan was able to hold on to it’s culture for some time now as a result of such actions. I’m not in favor of violence but in a way we’re really at war from within, thanks to globalism in the context of free trade. That trade turned out to be more of an ideological nature than anything else.
@HealthRanger One thing is for sure that guy is one sick individual. Truly expresses the desire of the Globalists to turn America into a Police State.
@HealthRanger He is promoting Modernas 3rd dose/updated vax. Consider him a CIA cut out.
Situation Update, April 26th, 2021 - Strange fibers found in covid masks and swabs. Some of these fibers have HOOKS or "grippers," and appear to be designed to latch onto soft tissue. Full photos and explanation in the podcast:
@HealthRanger Yay Mike! Thanks for getting this done!
@HealthRanger Thank you for the Sit Up. Funny you mention Stowaway. Almost rented it bc I like astronaut movies but it sounded dumb so I went with a new movie called LAND, loved it! Surprising considering the crap produced these days. A woman goes into the Rockies to live off the land completely unprepared. Thought to myself - she needs the Health Ranger! :). Anyway gets pretty emotional toward end.
Just posted: 40+ photos of covid swabs, covid masks and mysterious red and blue fibers:

What follows is a series of microscopy photos of covid swabs (a synthetic swab, then a cotton swab), a covid mask and some zoomed-in photos of mysterious red and blue fibers found in the masks. The…
www.naturalnews.comSituation Update, April 23rd, 2021 - OUTRAGE as FTC criminalizes nutritional advice about vitamin D!
The federal government is a terrorism operation that exists to shore up the vaccine racket by destroying natural alternatives.
Texas situation now way worse than any lockdown or hurricane or natural disaster. Feels like living in a post bombed kosovo or war zone, except without the artillery. Infrastructure has crumbled. Roads, water, emergency services, power grid, food supply chain, gas stations etc have all cratered. They will find lots of dead ppl after the thaw.
No one is allowed to criticize the hollywood elite.

“Please read carefully. They are coming for you.”
Twitter@HealthRanger Smacks of 1984. Communists brook no dissent.
@HealthRanger I will criticize anyone who needs to be from the top to the bottom. I still live by the constitution of the US of America. Fake and illegitimate government means bullshit!
@HealthRanger -he's good Gad Saad. Truth teller 100%.
@HealthRanger Could you please setup a telegram chat so the members can share info together like we do on Thank you
Yes!! That would be wonderful
You MUST watch this! Please. It concerns the EBS announcement tomorrow.
.. this is the link; Android phone won't allow access....

🔺Alert incoming EAM Emergency Action Message New Date Shocking News. (Duration 7:16 s) 🔅SHARE WITH EVERYONE🔅 ⚜Join Q_anon group⚜ 👇👇 👁 @Q_anon_donaldtrump 👁 More info 👇👇 @originalDONALDTRUMP
t.meEpisode 1 of the Survival Nutrition video series is now available! It's a more concise video delivery of the full audio book which is available at Here's the video:
@HealthRanger Yay! I cannot wait to watch. Definitely something we all need to consider these days....
@HealthRanger Who is Scott McKay????
I love your Tor Browser. It’s amazing. I got done telling my dad your a genius. We are also fans of your natural news store! Thank you so much for being you! What a gift you are to the world.
NEW PODCAST: Situation Update, Feb. 3, 2021 - America to split into FREE states vs censored "slave" states
Video documentary on chlorine dioxide.
Are covid tests actually covert vaccines?
CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”

Back in November, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) published a study that suggests Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with "tiny, star-shaped microdevices" capable of delivering vaccines…
www.naturalnews.comWe just launched a new product. Very delicious. Great for the cold weather. It's a powder that you mix with water to make a delicious cacao drink.
We combined organic cacao (lab tested of course) with low-glycemic palm sugar, energizing MACA root and SEVEN functional mushrooms. It's called Cocoa Energize. All organic, all lab-verified.
You can read the details here. It's available as of today:
Groovy Bee Organic Cocoa Energize is a specially formulated powder blend that allows you to experience the combined potency and nutritional goodness of organic cocoa powder, organic maca root powder and… Sounds amazing! Would you consider selling just your cocao powder? I ask because I know it would be clean. =)
Awesome. I just bought a book on your website as well as kidney flush and cupping. I love it.
Why is shipping to Canada so expensive.