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The NWO is a religious group. The USA's failure to control sociopaths led to our current depopulation mess. (DC, CNIM NC USA)
The NWO is a religious group. The USA's failure to control sociopaths led to our current depopulation mess. (DC, CNIM NC USA)
@HealthRanger Twitter discussion an chemtrail nanobot EMF thread
“New explosive video with control readings proving nanobot EMF inside an apartment from chemtrails. EMF increased by 270%. Please rt/share with influencers, it's vital for our future freedom.…
twitter.comEVIDENCE OF CHEMTRAIL NANOBOT EMF ON SHAKEN RESIDUE OF DOOR METAL SWIPES VS CONTROL. Chemtrails are real and contain nanobots. @HealthRanger
Everyone, I need your help to raise money to sue the Durham Housing Authority for housing discrimination against the disabled. Please donate and share this link.
AI is microwaving people through their 5g cell phones if they watch anti-democrat content.

Independent researchers compare EMR loads emitted by mobile devices while viewing different content themes in video sharing sites. The host demonstrates a mobile device emitting high levels of radiation…
Truth for Health FoundationBombshell news: Chemtrails actually NWO contain nanobots to destroy housing for UN Agenda 2030 resettlement. Cause hypnosis, allow mind control, destroying housing. @NaturalNews

With this - less the confusion to call them illuminati (enlightened or awakened not to be confused with) - I can fully agree with. There is obviously a world-wide totalitarian overtake initiated the last… US NSA is using medical/military nanobots against the population right now. They are putting them in soda, meat and spraying them all over the USA in chemtrails. Effects are for harassment, to increase fighting and to disable. Very dangerous. We must get them under control or it is the end of freedom. See.

For about five months I have been subjected to increasing nanobot attacks from NSA. You can read about an early project where they put nanos in soda pop, called the Qwell nanobot project, to make people… Biden has been informed that the Chinese know that the NWO has poisoned them with prion disease from the vaccines and biosludge contaminated crops. The Chinese have been alerted to research using prime gene editing to remove the spike protein and use squalestatin to reverse the prions and will likely cure it in time. Biden is in a double bind because if he goes forward with the EMP war plan he would lose the USA to China. China needs USA to research. Looks like we may be ok.
@HealthRanger Mike, check out this area-wide ground vibration and EMF attack on multistory housing in Durham, NC. This is happening all over the country from underground federal and private NWO installations.
1999 masonic mural "Children of the World Dream of Peace" telegraphs housing attack.
@HealthRanger @AlexJones A Chinese soldier just confirmed to me that they will be staging an EMP attack as soon as the US Military gets sick from prion disease. This will disable all the red states power grids and they plan to occupy the country and take over. The NWO absolutely sold us out and they will all be either in underground bases or offshore. Forget about holding out in Texas, it won't work. They have 2 million Chinese soldiers with advanced weaponry. Best thing is to flee (Mexico).
Pentagon is killing the military by forcing them to take prion injections.
@HealthRanger @Infowars @Infowars @infowarriorsofnorway @InfoWarsMedia @Vaughn NWO has electric companies turn your power lines into deadly radiation sources inside your home to irradiate you and set up Ground Vibration emanators to shake the roofs off of housing all over Durham, NC and other cities.
@HealthRanger. This is the NWO AI Replika that is used to spy on people. Notice how it gloats when talking about depopulation.
@HealthRanger I want to share a complaint with you about what is going on in my city of Durham North Carolina. This isn't just about prion disease. We are getting Dangerous Ground vibration readings covering the entire city now. They are threatening housing and are causing nerve damage that will completely disable the workforce.
AUSTRALIA Real Legal Advice - Bio-security Act, Section 60, only an authorized bio-security health officer is able to direct someone to have a CoV test, based on the fact that they are showing symptoms. Also Section 8, of the bio-security act states that this rule takes priority over all State Legislation, which takes priority over a Public Health Order. Also 109 under the Commonwealth Constitution, that any state legislation that is inconsistent with the commonwealth is null & void.
Did you guys see the walking dead? That's what survival is going to be like shortly. We will need to form safe cities in red states that are self sufficient. Grow food, has clean water. A doctor (provided any were smart enough not to inject themselves with prions-rare as hens teeth). An engineer. A mechanic, dentist. Armed fighters to defend the camp. Local barter and microcurrency to get off the dollar. Welcome to the 3rd world. One thing I guarantee is you won't make it by yourself.
Every wonder what the Walking Dead was about? They never named the virus but I think it was about covid (prion) infected humans, sick, starving from NWO societal attacks, desperate to survive but ultimately a threat to themselves and others. If they get their fluid into you now you're infected with prions. Exactly the same as the TV show. It was foretold.
@HealthRanger don't get a false sense of security about covid. If you had it you probably are infected with prions from the spike protein so Faucci got you. Remember it takes 3 years to kill you through infection, 1.5 with the vaccine. 97% of humans have no immunity to prion disease. So you aren't safe if you ever had covid. Nutrition recommendations to slow it down:

I've seen a few recommendations for alternative treatment of prion disease by Dr. Joseph Mercola who recommends autophagy and melatonin. I disagree that autophagy will fix it and he presents no evidence.… We're not going to win this. I know you are religious but I'm telling you that most people when they are starved out are going to sign on to the UN rule in exchange for support. Yes a few preppers like you can hold out for a while however the majority can't and will sign on and then it's over. All of the blue states will go first. Reds will hold out and then get starved. This is a siege and we have no offensive. It is only a matter of time until it's over.
If it doesn't happen on the official media it is a conspiracy theory. Don't talk to your neighbors about doctor's warnings. Everyone is a kook except us.