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Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.
Retired Musician/Educator with
29 years combined service as a Citizen Soldier and Citizen Airman.

KEEP THE FAITH The two came together; each with a dream for his nation; each dream, unique to each nation, yet the two dreams are bound together by threads of commonality; national patriotism, nati…
KEEP THE FAITH@josepheleblanc Wish you would keep the scriptures in context. READ THE VERSES RIGHT BEFORE JEREMIAH 29:11
8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither HEARKEN TO YOUR DREAMS WHICH YOU CAUSE TO BE DREAMED.
9 For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have NOT SENT THEM, saith the Lord.
10 For thus saith the Lord, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
12 Then shall you call upon me, and you shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
AFTER 70 YEARS IN CAPTIVITY FOR YOUR BACKSLIDING WILL HE (YHVH) ANSWER HIS CHILDREN. Not the dreams of two foolish men. All of these events are following exactly what YHVH foretold!
I get what you are saying, and I am not saying either man is a prophet or that they are speaking for YAH; but that they are being used by HIM. Please consider Habakkuk 1:5 - 5.
"The Lord replied: “Look, and be amazed! You will be astounded at what I am about to do! For I am going to do something in your own lifetime that you will have to see to believe." (TLB translation)
This nation has been in captivity for at least 52 years (since Row v Wade), and if we go back to 1962, (Engel v. Vitale) our time in the wilderness would be more like 63 years. But now the people are being shaken; many are repenting for America's backsliding; many are turning back to HIM.
Hold tight... the best is yet to come.
Be Blessed, Brother.
BTW - we could go into detail of how YAH used Cyrus and showed Nebuchadnezzar the future empires of the world.

(TRANSITION DAY-31) KEEP THE FAITH Shabbat Shalom! As you may know, this is only the fourth time since 1900 that Hanukkah and Christmas fall on the same day; a rare occurrence indeed, yet there is …
KEEP THE FAITH@josepheleblanc Judaism is at complete odds with Christianity since *the* reject Jesus as the Messiah. Hence, they worship different gods.
Ah yes, even though they have yet to see THE LIGHT, they cannot deny his existence. The Greatest Revival of ALL TIME is about to burst forth! Hold tight!

(DAY-1105/T-MINUS 285 DAYS) KEEP THE FAITH This is what we are use to, this is what we want; you don’t expect us to change now, we are content… so what if we seek to satisfy our personal fantasies,…
KEEP THE FAITH@josepheleblanc Well said. However, you still believe America will be spared. Notice that the Assyrian had already taken captive all the other tribes. Those people, God's people too, had done wrong and were consequently punished. Unfortunately, America is not represented in the last remaining tribe of Judah; the story of Hezekiah. Assuredly, we can expect the former rather than the latter. Our punishment is coming.
When Hezekiah humbled himself, YAH added 15 years to his life. We too must humble ourselves as a nation. But, unlike Hezekiah we need not play nice to potential invaders; unlike Hezekiah and his son Manasseh, we must train-up our children and grandchildren in the ways of YHWH EL ELYON. Yes, I truly believe America shall be saved. KEEP THE FAITH!
That which is in the heart, mind, and soul, leads a man to his actions and deeds; in order to transform and overcome the world, the hearts, minds, and souls of men must be transfigured; let the Revival of Holy Spirit touch each heart, come to every mind, and dwell in each soul.
True believers are called to end their neighbors’ ignorance; so, let those who are counted among the Mighty Men of God, share His Good News without hesitation; let not the darkness stifle any man’s freedom to choose; rather let each see the LIGHT; and allow Holy Spirit to guide their choice.
The world judges men according to their actions; YHWH EL ELYON judges according to that which is in our hearts, minds, and souls; therefore, embrace Him with all your heart, mind, and soul; hold tight unto Him; stay in HIS WORD.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray that YOUR holy revival fire would sweep across the nation. Bring every individual in America to YOU. Father, we ask that YOU rise up and judge the evil in our nation. Have mercy on YOUR People, but “let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those also who hate Him flee before Him.” Lord, we declare that America is the land of the free, and that we will stay that way! Father, we sever the enemy and his evil agenda and declare, in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved. AMEN!
Even to this day, there are echoes of Obama’s sarcastic intent and delivery of his 2009 message, “Elections have consequences,” and in case there is any doubt, “I won.” Rather than fulfilling his mandate to unify the nation, this fellow cultivated division instead; doubt not, the people are feeling the dire consequences of this path.
No longer bound, spiritual entities and powers, seized upon the season; now unleashed they are now free to attack any and all who carry the Cyrus Anointing; Satan, knows well the Word of YHWH; he will stop at nothing to obscure it.
Holy Spirit is on the move, let not the day pass, without embracing the Word and Love of YHWH EL ELYON; hold tight; stay in His Word.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for granting leaders the discernment to hear and know YOUR Voice, the humbleness to listen to the people, the wisdom to stay in YOUR Word, and the courage to abide by YOUR Will. Lord, we reject the lies of the enemy and pray for each to seek repentance and turn back to YOU. Father, we declare, in the name of YOUR most holy Son, Jesus Christ, America, shall be saved. AMEN!!
A land once flowing with “milk and honey” has become an unattended garden; thistles, bristling with thorns, have been allowed to enter, take root, and spring up; the beauty, freshness, and the health of the fruit is being strangled.
The misguided think, piling on more manure, will correct the problem; and there are still others, who would foolishly have the entire garden tilled over, than do the tedious work of pruning and weeding.
As members of the Ekklesia, we know YHWH EL ELYON is the Master Gardener; it is He who prunes us with His discipline; and it is He who fertilizes us with HIS WORD; hold tight; stay in the Word.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we freely admit, that as a nation, we have strayed from YOUR Word and have allowed the seeds of complacency, miscontent, selfish pride, greed and lust to enter YOUR beloved nation. Father, we cling to YOUR promise to forgive and heal us if we turn from our wickedness and back to YOU. Almighty Lord God, and Father of all, we pray for a complete healing of our nation; and we declare, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the Power of YOUR Holy Spirit, America, shall be saved. AMEN!!
Those who are awake, standing their watch, those with eyes to see, from out of the darkness, they see the beginning of the new day, regardless of their position, those who know what to look for, all witness the same sunrise; and rejoice in the Light of the World.
So many people have grown dependent upon the words of the MSM for their news; but to those who are awake, whose eyes, ears, and hearts have been opened, know that being absent from daily headlines, does not mean the GOOD NEWS is not alive and thriving in the world.
Holy Spirit is on the move, spreading across the land, touching one heart at a time; rejoice and celebrate in the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; enter and walk with Him in the coolness of each day; let the Father’s love embrace you.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for YOUR Holy Spirit; we thank YOU for opening our ears, eyes, hearts, minds, and souls so that Holy Spirit may live in each of us. We pray lord, that YOU continue to shed YOUR Light upon America; we pray for Holy Spirit to come into the hearts of all YOUR children; especially our social, church, military, and governmental leaders; open all ears, eyes, hearts, minds, and souls to YOUR GOOD NEWS. And Father, we declare, in the name of Jesus, who is the Light of the World, that the GOOD NEWS shall spread across America; America, shall return to YOU; America, shall once again, walk in YOUR Way; and according to YOUR Will, America, shall be saved. AMEN!
The heat is on; a tyrannical regime has taken hold of America; they shamelessly stoke the flames of oppression and persecution; and they will keep turning up the heat, attacking the fundamental rights of the people, for as long as they are able.
Censoring, any who speak the truth against you… demeaning, those who live according to the WORD… criminalizing and jailing, all who oppose your doctrine; these oppressive tactics do not represent the love Jesus commanded of us.
These Bidenites are a stiff-necked people; they have hardened their hearts against the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; for, what they do, is not favorable before His eyes, nor do they abide by His Love.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray for the love of Jesus to come upon America in order to extinguish any and all fires of hatred and persecution that currently exist in our government, our churches, our families, and even our own hearts. Father, we are in desperate need, and ask for YOUR Holy Spirit to continue moving across the land and through the people. Lord, let YOUR Fires of Revival be the backfire set in the hearts of YOUR people; giving us the courage and strength required to prevent any further spread, and to extinguish the tyrannical flames of hatred, oppression and persecution. And Lord God, we declare, in the name of Jesus, America, shall be saved. Amen.
Awake, oh brothers and sisters; awake and walk in the coolness of the day with YHWH; spend time in conversation with your Father; each day ask Holy Spirit to open your eyes and ears, and to cleanse your heart.
Though the way before you would appear to be treacherous and laced with turmoil, listen for His Voice; let His Word guide your steps; and when you stumble, lean upon Him; trust Him in all things; He will not abandon His children.
Let not the dust of your daily walk nor the tarnish of turmoil remain upon your feet; let not the day end without giving thanks and repenting before YHWH EL ELYON; hold tight brothers and sisters to the holiness of your creation; embrace the Father’s Love, Promise and Truth.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for being our Father; for loving us, despite ourselves; we thank YOU for YOUR Love and the Salvation of YOUR Son. Father, we admit our faults; even though YOU created us in YOUR image, we are not without sin. As YOUR children, Father, we ask YOUR forgiveness. Lord Father, we ask that we are fully cleansed and purified by the healing waters of Holy Spirit. Lord, we pray for our nation; we pray for YOUR Holy Spirit continue to touch each and every man, woman, and child and turn our country back to YOU. Father, we declare in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved! Amen.
All has been foretold; doubt not the WORD of the LORD; the adversary, AKA the prince of darkness, knows well the WORD of the LORD all too well; in his quest to subdue the people, Satan is relentlessly at work, trying to deprive the people of the WORD.
Let there be no mystery as to why the scamdemic was forced upon the world; why the people were told to mask and segregate themselves; why churches were forced to closed; even today, there is a fire burning, threatening to take down the prophetic house.
Rise up oh people and stand in the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; reject the world of darkness; reject a world void of the WORD; stand firm; hold tight; live and walk in the LIGHT a WORLD.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray to YOU and ask that YOU break off the spiritual bondage and moral decay now being experienced in America. Lord we ask that our civic leaders and legislators are touched by the Fire of Holy Spirit; giving them the courage to author and pass biblical legislation; legislation according to YOUR WORD and Will; especially legislation against the abominations of transgenderism and abortion. Father, we pray that YOUR Holy Spirit change the hearts of all leaders; giving each the understanding of what it means to be a bondservant in the service of Christ. And Lord Father, we declare, in the name of Jesus, America, shall be saved. AMEN!
Propaganda aimed at halting the resulting fallout of Truth Bombs is futile; for, unlike a lie, the Truth cannot be untold; the fake-news attempts to cover their lies by spewing more, and more, even bigger, fantastic lies.
Wokeness has awakened and caused the people to cry out; YHWH indeed hears; for, He answers their cry by sending His Holy Spirit to move among the people; woe unto any who reject Him; for, the hemorrhage of deceitfulness and lies will drain their souls.
The deceit and lies, designed by the enemy, to perpetuate fear, have no power before the Word of YHWH EL ELYON; their propaganda withers before His TRUTH; stay in the WORD and hold tight.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for this move of Holy Spirit which is spreading across the land and through the people. Lord we pray that the Truth not only replaces all the deceit and lies being spewed by the fake-news, but there be complete halt to the propaganda according to YOUR Will. Lord, there is much going on in these days and we ask for the strength to deal with the heaviness around us. Father, give us the eyes to see what YOU are doing, the ears to continually hear YOUR Word, and the hearts to accept YOUR Discipline and Love. And Lord Father God, we declare in the name of Jesus, America is turning back to YOU… and America, shall be saved. AMEN!
The enemy is neither Kevlar-clad, nor as bullet proof as they pretend; with the proximity of truth bombs now forcing them out of their blinds, they are suddenly experiencing a new meaning to “duck and cover.”
The legions of Lucifer are running out of real estate; their godless hearts and deceitfulness has been outed by Holy Spirit; they are unaware that their greed, jealousy, envy, pride, lust, and one-sidedness are the Galvanized Finishing Nails which will be used to seal their Pine box.
Turn not a deaf ear to His WORD; YHWH EL ELYON uses the least likely among us to let His Voice be herd; hold tight; stay in HIS WORD.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray that YOU would continue to bring truth and justice to our country; put an end to politically motivated prosecutorial decisions and the abuse of power. We thank YOU father, for this move of Holy Spirit and the unveiling of the enemy’s tactics and strategic plans. We ask for continued courage and strength to speak out against all forms of oppression; and the wisdom to speak YOUR Word. Lord, we pray for an end to the one-sidedness of the fake news and that the TRUTH be openly acknowledge in this nation and around the world. And LORD GOD, we declare, in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved. AMEN!
Listen, oh people, to the message being carried across the land; Holy Spirit is moving within the midst of the people; despite what you hear over the airwaves, a Great Thing is happening; those who listen – understand.
Turn not a deaf ear to His Voice; look around, see what men are doing to each other; greed, jealousy, envy, pride, and lust have filled the hearts of some; their ears have been closed to the TRUTH; allow not your attention to be ruled by these few.
Ignore those who laugh and scorn the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; rather, concern yourself with how you will answer His message; let us be reminded, each has been fearfully and wonderfully made in His image for times such as these.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, YOUR Word says that no man comes to Jesus unless YOU draw them. YOU also said that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. So, we ask in Jesus’ name, YOUR Spirit of fear of the LORD be poured out upon YOUR People. Father, we pray that all men come to fear YOU and by so doing gain the wisdom to yield to YOU and live according to YOUR Will. Lord God, we pray that YOUR Holy Spirit would open the ears, hearts, minds, and souls of each and every one of YOUR children so each would fulfill YOUR plan and expectations. Father, we declare, in the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ, the people of this nation will heed YOUR WORD and America, shall be saved. AMEN!
A boastful man often hears only his own voice; using singular and possessive pronouns, he loses the ear of the people; many grow weary hearing, “Me, me, me… look what I did… only I can… or this would not happen on my watch.”
This is not so for the one who walks in the Light, who lives in the Word, whose heart has been filled by and with Holy Spirit; for, the one who seeks a loving relationship with YHWH speaks saying, “you, yours, us and our.”
The people long for leaders who fear and walk in the Way of YHWH EL ELEON; those who find happiness in a True relationship and have True Love for the Father, shall walk in True leadership, serving the Almighty, Eternal God and His People.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we pray Holy Spirit would bring discernment and wisdom to the American people as this election cycle begins to spin up. Father, reveal to YOUR people the hearts of all who are seeking political office and leadership roles. We ask that those men and women who are true to YOUR Word, who walk according to YOUR Way, would rise above all other candidates. Father, we continue pray for fair elections so that, the voice of the people is never again taken away. Lord God, we know that the only way to save this nation is through YOU. So, Father we declare, in the name of Jesus, America shall return to YOU, walk once again according to YOUR Way, and America shall be saved, according to YOUR Will. AMEN!
There can be no doubt; many leaders have lost their way; having fallen into the darkness, worshipping at the altar of race, gender, and environment; offering child sacrifice; abolishing the nuclear family; suppressing the WORD of YHWH; they foolishly expect the people to follow and become a godless nation.
Though the day is clouded with the churn of turmoil, there is hope; more than ever, the Way is clear before the people; America must return to covenant with YHWH.
In order to walk again in His covenant, We the People must love YHWH EL ELYON with all our minds, hearts, and souls; keeping His command to love our neighbors as ourselves; there is no other way.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, help us to lift our eyes to YOU despite all the bad news around us. Let us see that YOU remain on YOUR throne and in YOUR presence is fullness of joy. Father, we ask for a greater revelation of the love demonstrated to us in the death of the Lamb Who was slain. We ask that we might walk out this love, forgiving others as we have been forgiven. Lord God, we decree: There is joy and hope for our nation, for YOU hear our prayers pouring out for YOUR mercy every day; and we declare, in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved. Amen.
Blinded by their own greed, lust, and pride, these Bidenites have become incapable of serving the people; everything they say, everything they do is fashioned to serve only themselves; for them there is only one way; their way, or the highway.
They would have the people believe that the only way to save America is their way; yet the end of their charade is in sight; for Holy Spirit is revealing the truth behind the design, engineering, and production of this political, social, and economic foulness now being endured.
Stay the course, oh people, stay; know His strength, accept His discipline, and embrace His love; stand in the Word of YHWH EL ELYON; stand before, nor bow down to any other; for, His is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for sending Holy men and women out to remind us, YOUR People, to stay in YOUR Word, to walk in YOUR Light, and to live according to YOUR Way. Today, we recall the words of one such person. “The Lord opened my senses to my unbelief so that, though late in the day, I might remember my sins and turn to the Lord my God with all my heart.” Lord, we pray to have the courage and strength of St. Patrick, so that we too, are remembered as being true believers, true disciples, and true sons and daughters to YOU. And we declare, in the name of Yeshua, YOUR Word will deliver YOUR People and America, shall be saved. AMEN!
Those who live and walk in darkness are unable or unwilling to discern or judge; they have no regard to rational discrimination, guidance, or restriction; they lack a directing or controlling consciousness; they are blind.
When the door was opened, Baal, Ishtar, and Molech were allowed to creep in; by using spirits of blindness, complacency, and religion, their darkness began to cover America; the battle for the soul of this nation rages.
Let the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON sound forth; let HIS TRUTH be on every tongue, let HIS LIGHT dispel all darkness; let it be known in all nations, JESUS CHRIST, is the LIGHT of the world.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank YOU for YOUR Word; for it is through YOUR Word we know that we do not struggle and wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of the air. So, right now, we bind the entities of darkness and all demonic spirits trying to move and work in the governments of the world that they cannot and shall not have their way. We decree the plans of the evil one shall not come to fruition, and we declare in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, America, shall be saved! Amen.
Intent on self-gratification; consumed with a desire and lust for power; emboldened by their scot-free 2o2o theft; this current regime has been spreading foulness with each passing day; their words and deeds are indeed detestable.
They speak one lie after the next; for they have grown immune to the Truth. Morality is non-existent in these Bidenites; they would have the entire world burn rather than face the TRUTH. Woe!
Hold tight; stay in the WORD of YHWH EL ELYON; with all your heart, mind, body, and soul, stay in HIS WORD; hold tight.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we ask that YOU would replace all elected officials and governmental appointees who seek to cripple or overthrow our nation with God-fearing leaders; men and women who walk in integrity, wisdom, and honor, in Jesus name. Lord, we pray for Holy Spirit to continue exposing all activities that may have broken laws; especially those activities revolving around this Bidenite regime and family. Father, we plead the blood of Jesus over the economy of the United States and the world; we pray that YOU would protect our economy, our money, and prevent bank failures from sweeping across the entire nation. LORD God, we pray for a restoration of our covenant roots with YOU and we declare, in the name of Yeshua, America, shall be saved. AMEN!
No more; the people have had their fill; Holy Spirit is replacing complacency with activism; courageously speaking out against the deceit, immorality, hatred, and tyranny of the left, people boldly proclaim the GOOD NEWS.
When you grow weary of the deceit, the lies, and the darkness of hatred, take a look in the opposite direction; a deep, genuine, discerning look. “Just One Look;” this is all it takes to see, feel, and experience the Truth and Love of the Father.
Holy Spirit reveals the GOOD NEWS to one heart, one mind, one body, one soul at a time; those who chose to step out of darkness and into the Light, and into the Word of YHWH EL ELYON, will find His Love, Truth; and Salvation.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we ask that YOU cause YOUR People to rise up against every plan that is against YOUR WORD. Let YOUR HOLY SPIRIT bring Truth and YOUR Love to all people. Father, we pray for a move of HOLY SPIRIT to bring repentance and a change of heart to those who have turned from YOUR Way; we ask that their hearts be filled with the joy and knowledge of YOUR SON, JESUS CHRIST. Father God, we continue to cry out and declare, in the name of Jesus Christ, America, shall be saved. Amen.
Deceit and lies no longer support their agenda; their lies are being debunked one at a time; the deceit they weave is coming unraveled; no longer can they bear the weight of their greed nor their lust; the pillars of their agenda are starting to collapse down upon their heads; the land they hijacked, shall be returned to the people.
Controlled from the shadows, these Bidenites prefer to tug, yank, pull, and drag the puppeteers down with them, rather than cutting their strings of attachment and freeing themselves; woe.
The WORD of YHWH EL ELYON is not to be denied; through the Blood of Christ, He promises Salvation; even to the most despised and desperate among us; hold tight.
Almighty, Eternal God, and Father, we thank You that this new Congress is doing the job they were elected to do. We pray that our elected representatives and officials in the local, state, and national levels be filled with Holy Spirit, YOUR Word, and walk in YOUR Light. We pray for the truth of 2o2o, the scamdemic, and that the entire woke-agenda be revealed. Lord, we ask, that those responsible for violating the trust of the people be held accountable. And Father, in the name of YOUR Son, Yeshua, we declare, America, shall be saved. AMEN!